Monday, November 08, 2010

Godhood Is Not Death

Mysticism in most religions ends in silence, in an “imageless” God, Truth or the Absolute.

But Godhood is not imageless, not silence, not death. Godhood is the Zenith of Evolution, the Supreme Object of supermateriality.

Godhood has been confounded with the God-Within, or the Soul and Spirit, which does require a form of death to see or experience, blocking or unattaching oneself from all material desires. But this is the goal of the Involutionary Inward Path, not the goal of the Evolutionary Outward Path. These are both included in the Twofold Path of Evolutionary Christianity.

Logos is not the “idea-in-itself” of Hegel, the idea-in-itself only defines or denotes the Supreme Object Godhood.

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