Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Human Nature and Art

The various “calls to order” which brought in the various revivals of Classicism in art can be seen as attempts to ground culture in human nature. The idea that the classical calls to order happened following a period of chaos, war, etc., has also been discerned. But I prefer to think of Classicism as not so much going back to the past as going back to human nature.

Sociobiology has described how culture is on a “leash” of biology, and when culture roams too far from biological human nature it will be pulled back to human nature. For example, attempts at universal equality as in communism have little relation to human nature---human nature is kin-centered, monogamous, hierarchical, xenophobic, even ethnocentric, etc. which brings back a Revitalized Conservatism.

The Evolutionary Realism in art of the Theoevolutionary Church adds the Will to Godhood, or Tirips, which activates life to evolve to Godhood in the cosmos. This means that art need not merely copy the past in a plastic neoclassicism but revitalize the past with Ordered Evolution. Ordered Evolution affirms tradition even as it projects forward toward future evolution to Godhood. This grounds art in the affirmation of the sacred, which has defined all great works of art, which is affirmed in the Twofold Path of the Theoevolutionary Church.

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