Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Bridge

Evolutionary Christianity (EC) is bridging the barrier between empirically proved truth and transcendental belief, by defining the transcendence as supermaterial, which would be considered an hypothesis in science, but is considered true reality in EC, yet to be proved by science.

This means we don't reject transcendence as Spinoza and as the moderns did, we define transcendence as supermaterial. We evolve in the material world to Godhood in the supermaterial world.

This is not offered merely as a consolation to the loss of a timeless God, as Nietzsche's superman, this is the way to see, know and become Godhood. Our human evolution to Godhood can bring back what Roger Scruton called the community of holiness---we are all evolving to Godhood---which was lost when God was declared dead.

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