Wednesday, November 10, 2010

No contradiction between individualism and altruism

Ayn Rand did no see that there is no contradiction between individualism and altruism, sociobiology has proven this. Economic nationalism can rise affirmed by sociobiology, which helps define true human nature. We advance ourselves by advancing our related groups.

We need free men, free small states, free economics, but we also need a light, federal, altruistic protection of the economic states within the nation, so that the individuals within the states and nation can prosper, as we did when economic nationalism helped our nation rise to the highest standard of living in human history.

Ayn Rand's formidable intellectual courage was not formidable enough to turn her back on her life's work, her radical libertarian individualism, although she might have at the end of her heyday when sociobiology arose. Perhaps her hatred of group behavior was just too strong to overcome following Soviet communism and German fascism, which she lived through.

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