Thursday, October 22, 2009

Spirit Is Not An Evolian Tiger

Response to Tantra

The “union” of Soul (Shiva in Tantra) and Spirit (Shakti in Tantra) is one of the things that we are after. In a sense, the Soul is passive, the Spirit is active. The Spirit wants to activate the Soul (the Soul is the Zenith of the Body) to evolve to Godhood.

The Body must work within nature, within the evolution of nature, within the natural selection of nature. The Soul, therefore, rides the Spirit, but the Spirit is not like a Dionysian or Evolian tiger. It is the Will To Godhood; it has a goal.

The Evolutionary Christian Church (ECC) seeks to awaken the Spirit or the Will To Godhood within the human organism. This is not Kundalini Yoga, with its involutionary goal of awakening the “serpent power” within. Our goal is the goal of the Evolutionary Outward Path, to evolve to Godhood, guided by the Spirit, or the Will to Godhood.

Reproduction, not merely sex, is available as the path for us. Unlike the Tantra, we see more than “breathing and sex” as avenues of action. We seek more than contacting the Spirit Within to enlighten the individual. Individual enlightenment can be a selfish thing without seeing the goal of the Spirit, which is to evolve to Godhood. Ours is more than the involutionary goal of personal enlightenment, ours is the evolutionary goal of Godhood.

God does represent the unchanging dimension, but the Spirit is the energy and activating power behind phenomena.The Spirit issues from Primal Matter and then becomes the Kosmos of changing dimensions of energy. We do not want to make a cult of the Spirit as Shakti seems to be in Tantra.  The Spirit seeks Godhood, not itself.

The “liberation of action” mentioned in Tantra and by Evola, in the Yoga of Power, is not political revolution but is evolution, material evolution, which ends in evolving to Godhood. Action has been called a very Western ethos and thus ECC has been described as a “Western Yoga.” But the action we seek relates to Ordered Evolution, not revolution, guided best by Revitalized Conservatism, which best relates to human nature.

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