Monday, October 19, 2009

Comparing Tantra

The Theoevolutionary Church (TC) represents a new spiritual or religious or philosophical trend. We are a synthesis of the main currents of Traditional Religion, and an evolutionary extension or development or those currents. We do not reject ancient religion but we deny ritualism for ritualism's sake, as well as the narrow focus on the God Within, at the expense of the God Without.

Much as the Tantra did with Hinduism in the 5th century A.D., we will deny the exclusive concentration on the asceticism of tradition and affirm the path of evolutionary “action”; but we immediately caution an Ordered Evolution requiring a Revitalized Conservatism, and not revolution. We do not define "power" as "irrational" and Dionysian, we define power in the form of the Spirit as the Will to Godhood, with a Supreme Goal.

Unlike the Tantra, we are not only about the worship of the Inward Path, we do not concentrate merely on awakening the forces within the body. The Spirit Within seeks to activate the body to Godhood in the material world with the Evolutionary Outward Path. Tantra claims outward action, but, in fact, it does so to establish inward goals.

Ours is not the path of the Left Hand of active Tantrism, but the way of Twofold Path, the Inward and Outward Paths. I suppose we could adapt Tantric symbols to call the Path of Shakti the Path of the Spirit, and not call this the Left Hand Path, but call it the Right Hand Path. And we could conversely call the Left Hand Path the path of the Soul-Body of the Inward Path. But we may not want to confuse things with this adaptation.

In ECC the Spirit Within is the “Primordial Principle” which Shakti came to be known as, virtually losing her archaic maternal features. Shakti, according to Julius Evola, means “to be able to,” to “have the strength to act,” which essentially means “power”. We would translate this as the Will To Godhood, which defines the Spirit Within.

Contrary to Tantra and all the Involutionary Religions, which claim some sort of union between being (Shiva) and Shakti (power) in man only as the central goal, the Spirit (power or energy) does not unite with Being until Godhood is evolved to.

The union of Shiva and Shakti is, once again, an involutionary goal, as is the goal of traditional religions, whereas the goal of TC has both an involutionary and evolutionary goal, outside and beyond man, to evolve to Godhood.

Tantra is not really “black magic” outside of traditional circles, it is very much an involutionary discipline, like the others, but with perhaps less prudish methods.

(We will have more on this later)

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