Friday, October 23, 2009

The error of ignoring either material nature or metaphysics

The Evolutionary Church (ECC) seeks to bring material nature into metaphysical knowledge as something sacred and not profane. This is a transmutation of “Traditionalism” which separates metaphysical knowledge from “profane” nature. This path is made possible because we evolve in nature to Godhood.

Bringing nature into metaphysics allows the inclusion of modern knowledge, which has been more or less rejected by Traditionalism. When Traditional metaphysics ignores as profane anything related to nature it is doing the same thing in reverse that modern knowledge does in ignoring anything to do with metaphysics. Both close their minds to the other.

The Tantric notion, pointed out by Evola, which says that one cannot adore a god without “becoming” a god is, in the East, meant as an Involutionary Path only, to show that “action” is needed to reach the God Within and not to reach merely theoretical contemplation, but this is not to be seen as natural, evolutionary, material, outward action.

ECC transmutes this “becoming a god” to the Evolutionary Outward Path of material evolution to Godhood, thus we give to Nature, sacred, metaphysical knowledge.

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