Friday, October 09, 2009

Impressionistic truths and empirical truths

Philosophy and religion often have no real objects in mind, they speak of unreal objects such as ideas, equations or spiritual truths. Science at least tries to mirror material reality with its mathematics, although with such things as String Theory so far we know only denotations, equations, hypothesis, or faith.

What activates material life and where is material life going? Here probability based on evidence can help us find what is real, the real has to be based at least on reading evolutionary patterns, such as evolution moving from the simple to the complex, and evolution moving toward higher and higher consciousness. But belief in the dynamic of material evolution attaining the Supreme Material Object, or Godhood, is also based on intuitive faith in the goal of material evolution, and related to generations of mystics who have seen at least a God-Within using intuition, faith and revelation.

To limit ourselves to what science can prove empirically is to live in a stunted world, and to live with perhaps one third of the truth. Faith is more impressionistic than empirical, yet it can also be the truth. Faith is broader than hypothesis, faith is like the hypothesis of the mystical world. But faith can also be informed by the empirical world, eventually.

In the Evolutionary Christian Church both impressionistic truths and empirical truths are used in both the Inward and Outward Paths to help define the truth.

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