Thursday, October 15, 2009

Purpose or Purposeless?

Force, energy, or instinct are wrongly interpreted as “purposeless” in most religions, and intellect or consciousness is supposed to direct chaotic instincts, like riding a horse.

This perspective brings us away from life, from the material world, which is viewed beneath the sophistry of much of spiritualism as purposeless and inferior. “The Real” in most religions is beyond intellect and beyond the material world, and this has created what we call The Great Spiritual Blockade against life itself.

The problem can be understood with the knowledge that force, energy or instinct do have a purpose, a sacred purpose directed toward evolving to Godhood. Material life is the vehicle for the force of the Spirit to activate material life to Godhood. The mind, or at least the Soul, which is the Zenith of the Mind, can learn to assist the Spirit or force in Its goal of Godhood.

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