Thursday, January 21, 2021

Why non-college graduates who voted for Trump are actually politically wiser than the college graduates who voted for Biden

The big divide in America today is between college graduates who voted for Biden and and non-college graduates who voted for Trump. That's a big problem for America because the college educated have been thoroughly brainwashed. And the percentage of non-college graduates is falling as the number of college graduates is rising.

High European art and culture has been virtually replaced in our colleges and universities by the political correctness of cultural Marxism. As Boyd Cathey put it, our colleges and universities teach---really brainwash---"racial oppression by the white race of black and brown people, and sexual oppression by men of women. Thus, reading our history and literature to discover deeply embedded examples of “racism” and “white supremacy,” and of “male exploitation” and the “oppression of women,” has become the central characteristic of the college-classroom experience...Cultural Marxist ideologues inculcate the theories of “critical race theory” and the “feminization of history,” to students who have already, in most cases, endured years of poor education and early indoctrination in our public schools. They have been “softened up” for this process..." (Chronicles, Nov 2018.)

And the corruption of the Media in America is at bottom also the consequence of decades of teaching a dumbed-down version of "postmodernism" and cultural Marxism to journalists and cultural influencers.

The non-college graduates for the most part have absorbed the reality of the biological origin of social behavior, which says that human nature is genetically ethnocentric, even xenophobic, as well as being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection, followed by individual-selection---even if they do not know that this view of human nature was largely affirmed by Darwin and later by sociobiology.

So the reality is that non-college graduates who voted for Trump (and college grads who have managed to avoid the Cultural Marxist brainwashing) are actually politically wiser than the college graduates who voted for Biden and who think of non-college graduates as a bunch of deplorable rubes.

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