Friday, January 08, 2021

Both the left and the right have been tragically wrong in defining “racism” and “systematic racism”

Yesterday both Biden and Harris typically defined the pro-Trump protesters at the White House with “systemic white racism” not seeing or acknowledging the black racism within the Black Lives Matter movement over the summer.

Both the left and the right have been tragically wrong in defining “racism” and “systematic racism.” Real human nature has been defined as politically incorrect behavior. What is missing is knowledge of the biological origin of social behavior which came with Darwin and later sociobiology showing that real human nature is genetically kin and ethnic centered (ie. racist and ethnocentric), with group selection as the main unit of successful survival and reproduction.

Human nature has always first preferred kin and related ethnic group because this preference was successful in survival and reproduction, so it was instinctively, genetically, retained within basic human nature. Ethnic groups of related genes have numerous reasons for cooperating more successfully and harmoniously than with other ethnic groups. As Edward O. Wilson said, "The genes hold culture on a leash. The leash is very long, but inevitably values will be constrained in accordance with their effects on the human gene pool.”

We could halt and reverse the decline of America by transforming the socially destructive and mistaken way of defining “systematic racism” and by correctly defining racism and ethnocentrism as a central part of real human nature. Then, as Wilmot Robertson said, the new (yet old) solution to the division of the nation, which the liberals and cultural Marxists have willing and consciously created with the help of the media and the schools, is to form ethnostates or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

We can honor the biological origin of social behavior by taking on the damaging racial competitions disguised as calls for equality etc., and by advocating the creation of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, in harmony with real human nature. Ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

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