Sunday, January 17, 2021

Economic ethnopluralism

 When economists ask how to understand economic value, like virtually all subjects today, they overlook or even bury biology and sociobiology. As Robert Bellafiore Jr. defines them, (Modern Age Winter 2020) economists come up with ideas like the “labor theory of value,” according to which “a good’s objective worth is proportionate to the amount of effort expended to create it, or the Austrians theory of “methodological individualism,” shifting the emphasis from the objective factors of production to the subjective preferences of consumers.”

It seems to me that economics derives, like most things in culture, from the biological origin of social behavior, and by an instinctive and rational deduction about the nature of man and from accurately defining human nature. Sociobiology has taught us that human nature is genetically ethnocentric, even xenophobic, as well as being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection, followed by individual-selection. This seems to point toward economic ethnopluralism in economics.

The old classical conservative saying goes, as the people change, the culture changes, and that goes for economics too. With America increasingly split along apparently unassimilable ethnic lines, the way to bring economic, moral, and political health back to America is to return power to the different regions and states, where each state can bring their own distinct balance to economics as ethnostates, protected internally and externally by federalism. The solution is not to destroy the free enterprise system, which has given us the highest standard of living in history, but to bring the free enterprise system back in accord with the new economic nationalism of economic ethnopluralism. Economic nationalism made our nation great in the first place. Economic nationalism protected the jobs and life-style of the nation with such things as putting up tariffs against globalist intrusions into the nation's manufacturing and business life. This was not unfair government interference, this was rationally protecting the life of the nation. If there still exists a will to survive in America, eventually states or regions can become ethnostates with economic ethnopluralism prevailing.

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