Saturday, January 16, 2021

Speculation on big bangs, black holes, and life in the multiverse

Big Bangs are like powerful black holes that have gathered massive, dense, light, and matter from a surrounding universe. Then the big-bang-black-holes explode and expand into new universes moving away at velocities that increase with their distance. Eventually parts of that expanding universe contract again into a single point in another big-crunch-black-hole before beginning the cycle over with huge black holes that explode with big bangs into new universes. In the multiverse universes are like galaxies in our universe.

The speeding expanding universes move so far away from one another that any life that develops in the expanding galaxies would be virtually lost to one another, which could explain why we seem to be the only life in the multiverse. Since this whole process has gone on forever, far-away life could have developed over the vast endless spaces to amazing degrees of sophistication and intelligence and we wouldn't know of it---although someday we might.

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