Thursday, January 28, 2021

Redefining Godhood as supermaterial and evolved to in the material world

The will to power is one of Nietzsche's most misunderstood ideas. At various times Nietzsche described the will to power as a psychological, biological, or metaphysical principle. It seems to me that when Nietzsche declared that “God is dead” he also killed the spiritual view of God, which is the basic definition of god, so those who think of Nietzsche's philosophy as spiritual and not hereditary or biological are mistaken. All social behavior is grounded in biology, including philosophy and religion. Nietzsche wrote: “Wherever I found a living thing, I found there the will to power.” ("Thus Spoke Zarathustra") Philosophers since Nietzsche seem to fear biology or sociobiology making inroads in the humanities.

The reality that all social behavior is grounded in biology doesn't kill God it redefines God as supermaterial and evolved to in the material world. So only the traditional spiritual view of God is dead. Nietzsche's overman needs to be biologically evolved to, all the way to Godhood. The will to Godhood better describes the will to power.

This noble and sacred goal can be attained by different political methods, including representative democracy. All men are born with the desire to survive and reproduce successfully but natural rights do not guarantee results, since evolution cannot always guarantee results. This suggest that if the noble statesman of the future do see guardianship of the state as avoiding sedition and discord culminating in civil war, they will honor the biological origin of social behavior by taking on the damaging racial competitions disguised as calls for equality etc. and advocate the creation of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, in harmony with real human nature. Then they will protect each ethnostate from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, chosenists, Marxists, etc. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Then we can all get on with evolving toward ascending levels of Godhood.

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