Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The moral rot of the Media

For years now the Media has been increasingly expanding the moral rot of same-sex marriage, LGBTQ uni-bathrooms, Teen Vogue has promoted homosexuality, transsexuality, and gender transition, the media has applauded doctors who provide children as young 12 with sex-changing hormones, the media is increasingly anti-white, anti-religious, and anti-male, the media highly values the now decadent industries of fashion, film-making, porn, and gambling. And pushing this moral rot has been successful: for the first time since the United States was established, a majority of young adults do not identify with religious morality.

Religion in the West has not been successful in blocking the moral rot, most Christian's don't realize that turning the other cheek was based on discipline designed for ascetics like Christ and Buddha who sought the bliss of the God within by blocking all the desires of the flesh, which would include any involvement with things like holding the media accountable for moral rot. That central ascetic goal is the real origin of most of the values of most religions which were founded by ascetics who had no time for the material world.

So the moral rot advances.

The separation between the material and the spiritual in all the revealed religions was a big metaphysical error, which set up a great spiritual blockade against the material and supermaterial evolution of life to ascending levels of real supermaterial Godhood. There need not be that tension between the material and the spiritual just as there need not be tension between religion and science and the political. A better more real and more natural formula is to follow the biological origin of social behavior.

The evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood brings back the ideals of life and living, heroism, cultivating wisdom, strength, beauty, health, kinship and ethnic bonds, harmony with life and nature; natural instincts can then be religiously appreciated and seen as vital because we evolve to Godhood by way of material evolution and successful survival and reproduction, which now can be aided by the genetic sciences...So the moral rot can be stopped.

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