Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Ethnostates are the next stage in civilizing the beast

Some of the loudest voices raised against ethnocentrism are the most ethnocentric groups.

It is not ethnocentrism that is primitive, barbaric and uncivilized, unless you define real human nature as primitive, barbaric and uncivilized (and some do). The social problems come when one ethnocentric group calls another ethnocentric group "evil" because they are ethnocentric. Undoing this primitive and unsophisticated behavior, which has seemed unaffected by objective reasoning, is the next stage in civilizing the beast.

Real human nature is grounded in the altruism of group-selection and ethnocentrism, which has been successful for thousands of years in survival and reproduction and is a basic genetic part of real human nature. As sociobiologist E.O. Wilson has pointed out, “Hereditary altruists form groups so cooperative and well-organized as to out-compete non-altruists.”

Multiculturalism, that is, jamming distinctly different groups together in one space and then demanding that they all get along has led to far more problems than solutions. And it is supremacist groups and imperial monopolies who most benefit from multiculturalism. Ethnic or racial groups who are anti-Semitic, anti-Black, anti-Hispanic, or anti-White have not understood the message of ethnopluralism. Those who object to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates are usually Global Big Business, the Big Media, Supremacist Racial Groups, and misguided Modern Liberals who seek national or international supremacy. These anti-other-groups are the the main cause of racial defamation and discrimination.

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates has the potential to make all groups relatively happy. Ethnopluralism protected by a defending federalism needs to be the next big political movement, it deals best with racial defamation and discrimination, but also more importantly allows the deeply natural love of ones own group and culture to shine forth.

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