Friday, September 18, 2020

Can the destructive power of the Big Media be curbed?

Something has to be done about the power of the Big Media, which along with openly teaching cultural Marxism, hatred of America, and especially hatred of white Americans, is also continuing the lies and dirty tricks regarding everything that president Donald Trump does.

Obviously we need to reinstate media ownership rules that curb the domination of the media by a few corporations, and we need to encourage a much wider range of ownership of media. But any move such as this is smeared by the media as limiting freedom of the press, when it would really do the opposite. But it has to be done.

Back in the 1980's 50 corporations controlled a majority of American media. By 2012 that number was six, mainly due to ending a rule preventing companies from owning a newspaper and radio and TV stations in the same city.

But the media bias, lies, and dirty tricks was drummed into journalists and reporters in all our schools which openly teach cultural Marxism, hatred of America, and especially hatred of white Americans, so the schools are institutions that also need to be recovered.

With what we see now going on in the Big Media in America and in the West it is easy to see why the first thing dictators do is take control of the Media. Is that what we want? Is that the only way to curb the destructive power of the Big Media? I hope not.

Is president Trump the only person with the courage to take up the great task of curbing the power of the media which, along with the schools, is turning America into a leftist third-world dictatorship? It is at least as important a task as reinstalling economic nationalism.

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