Sunday, September 20, 2020

Beauty as the leading player in our progressive evolution toward the truth and goodness of real material/supermaterial Godhood (from the archive)

The religious worldview of material life evolving to ascending levels of supermaterial Godhood---and not merely involution to the Inward God---gives a different perspective on the old formula of truth, goodness and beauty.

When beauty becomes connected to the traditional Logos, beauty moves away from the material world and this creates the naturalistic problem of beauty entering a transcendental world of a non-material spirit, which then leads to the worship of ideas, definitions, words, and the idol of beauty, and not the real supermaterial object of beauty as Godhood.

In relation to material and supermaterial evolution to Godhood, beauty is not in reality separated from goodness and truth, but a separation tends to happen when the spiritual dimension of goodness and truth blocks out or even excludes real material beauty from the trinity of truth, goodness and beauty, because the non-material is worshiped.

In regard to material-supermaterial evolution, beauty does not separate itself from truth and goodness, which are values and traits that need to be included in upward evolution, because any one of these alone is incomplete.

The Outward Path of evolution rescues truth, goodness and beauty from the Inward Path, which is not rejected but transformed, and restores beauty, the real material object beauty, and even places beauty as the leading player in our progressive evolution toward the truth and goodness of real material/supermaterial Godhood.

The world of beauty is not leading us astray as a siren or temptress (see Dante and others) as long as truth and goodness are included with beauty on the path of our evolution to Godhood, which is the zenith of all these things.

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