Thursday, September 03, 2020

Ethnostates offer the right way to define “diversity”

Racial supremacism is obsolete and going extinct do to demographics, or the dynamic balance of a racial populations with regard to density and capacity for expansion or decline. The population diversity of the world has grown so that any race that declares other races as evil and calls itself supreme over all other races will be ganged up on and destroyed by the other races. But human nature is still grounded in group-selection and ethnocentrism, so another approach, another philosophy, still in line with human nature and the biological origin of social behavior is called for, and that pathway is ethnopluralism, or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

Ethnopluralism, defended against the bigger imperialists and supremacists by federalism, needs to be the next big political movement, it can deal best with racial defamation and discrimination, but also more importantly ethnostates allow real human nature the deep natural love of ones own group and culture. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates is factual and feasible, and most humane in view of density and capacity of different races now, all with natural wills to power. Ethnostates offer the right way to define “diversity”---multiculturalism, that is, jamming distinctly different groups together in one space and then demanding that they all get along has led to far more problems than solutions. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

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