Thursday, September 17, 2020

My philosophical and political defense of the West

I affirm modern science going back at least to the Enlightenment in the West and forward into the future. I do not affirm the neoconservatives and modern liberals with their ravaging of the world, who are unfortunately based in the West. I partly retain the old tradition of the symbolically-experienced Inward God or Father Within of tradition but that Inward God is transformed in the Outward Path of evolution to ascending levels of real Godhood by way of material and supermaterial evolution, while being shaped by outside evolution and selection. And I affirm the conservatism of change, or reformation rather than radical revolution.

I do not define the “unconcealed” truth of Being or God as non-material Nothing, or as a non-material conception of Time, therefore I do not require Heidegger's Being-in-the-world (Dasein) to justify action in the world. Godhood is a supermaterial object, or objects, toward which we evolve in the material world and not merely an abstract definition or conception or feeling of desirelessness experienced in the Inward Path. Edward Wilson and sociobiology, and the courageous Raymond Cattell, are of more use to me than Heidegger.

I am also not centered on where the proto-Indo-European Northern homeland was, or whether it was called Hyperboria or Arctogaia, other than as an interesting ongoing study of ancient prehistory. I don't think in terms of a Gnostic dualism (or a Hermetic conversion) regarding two forces represented by different ethnic groups in the world. These ideas are superseded by evolution, genetics, eugenics, ethnopluralism, and the Outward Path of the evolution of life toward real Godhood. I think in terms of each distinct ethnic group having its own region and state, with a protecting federalism, I do not think in terms of one or two ethnic groups trying to control the world, which in the modern world, given the demographics, is unrealistic and even suicidal. And I don't revive pagan Gods, we must evolve far beyond the old Gods of the earth who served as survival aids in the long distant past, although we all carry them with us in our genetic past.

I cannot be anti-modern as Rene Guenon, Julius Evola, Aleksandr Dugin, and the Traditionalist School, life evolves to real Godhood in the modern and future world by way of material/supermaterial evolution. Aleksandr Dugin's version of the Traditionalist School and Eurasianism essentially seeks to destroy the West. Dugin sees the world dualistically with the West as the evil Antichrist and the Eurasia as the good “Angel of Arctogaia"---and of course he does not wish to negotiate with the Antichrist. Dugin has virtually rejected all that is great in the West, science, technology, evolution, virtually overlooking the high genetic quality of the people of the West in his angry zeal to reject all that is bad in the West, such as the neoconservatives, or soulless consumerism.

But most importantly, Dugin and the Traditionalist School have embraced the wrong religious philosophy. That is, they have affirmed as foremost the world-renouncing, so-called “non-material” Inward God, which is really a truncated symbol of the Godhood reached by way of the material world. This means they reject their chance to evolve to real Godhood, the goal of evolution, and the zenith of success in survival and reproduction.

affirm an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in politics, evolutionary realism in art, and theological materialism in religion and philosophy. It is with this philosophy that we can defend the West. Theological materialism and ethnopluralism could potentially unite various factions on the near and far right, as well as anti-globalist liberals, and even science might see something rational in this religious philosophy of the future. Will we have help from those who seek to officially protect the West, or from groups who actually support the West? Even Western traditionalist's who affirm a God not unlike the more Eastern Traditionalist School may hold back, or even serve as a fifth column in the West for Dugin's dreams.

Our real strength for synthesis and union is the religious foundation of theological materialism and the natural call for an ethnopluralism that relates best to real human nature and which still very much prefers kin and group or ethnic selection. I affirm a variety of ethnic cultures evolving ever upward within ethnostates toward ascending levels of Godhood, aided by modern science, and by anti-globalists and anti-imperialists everywhere.

That is my philosophical and political defense of the West.

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