Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Biden and the left are the real clowns and liars

In last night's “debate” Joe Biden called the President of the United States a clown and liar and he told the president to “shut up;” I think that level of disrespect surprised and rattled Trump a bit, although he too showed total contempt for Biden.

Biden and the left are the real clowns and liars, and Biden is also somewhat senile, and like most Democrats his political ideas are foolish, from his views on human nature to his ideas on the causes of global warming.

Real human nature shows no resemblance to the ideas of the left. Real human nature contains not only big gender differences, but is kin-centered, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other things, with group or ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. The right therefore is far better fit for real human nature.

As to Biden's ideas on man-made global warming, the rise in temperatures is mainly part of a larger macro cycle. In macro terms the climate over the past 450,000 years follows a saw-tooth shape when seen on a graph, with samples taken from ice cores. Much cooler temperatures seem to be the norm over time, and there is a distinct cyclical pattern to the earth's temperature, with levels at the current higher temperatures followed by rapid decline, with the peaks of warmer climate relatively short. Human activity has in fact increased greenhouse gases and warming but the rise in temperatures is mainly part of this larger macro cycle. Even so, there are enough good reasons to husband and conserve our dwindling fuel resources, to reduce pollution from burning fossil fuels, as well as reducing the vulnerability of importing oil from unstable regions.  (See “TheGlobal Warming Conundrum”) The right therefore is far better fit for global warming.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Are women unhappier since the rise of feminism?

Equal pay for equal work everyone agrees with, but feminism, and especially radical feminism, is contrary to the reality of real human nature. I haven't seen any empirical studies comparing the happiness level of women since the rise of feminism---it's probably politically incorrect to even try such a study---but my non-empirical observation is that women are unhappier since the rise of feminism.

I watched the first episode of new Netflix series “The Duchess” created by Katherine Ryan, about a single mother trying to raise her daughter in London while wondering if she should have another kid. Ryan plays a super-bitch hostile to everyone in her life except, supposedly, her daughter. Ryan creates what used to be called a slut who insists on sleeping with anyone she chooses on her own obscene bitchy terms, which might have been more believable and more charming with a younger woman, but Ryan looks like a woman near the age of menopause.

Sociobiology needs to be taught in our schools because feminism has no idea what real human nature actually is. Feminism demands biologically unnatural roles for women. Modern technology has not changed the basic biology of gender differences which remain as they have been for tens of thousands of years. There are obvious genetic and hormonal differences between men and women which certainly influence both gender and cultural behavior.

The founders of radical feminism were mostly cultural Marxists which biased them toward the genetically-derived differences between men and women. Real human nature contains not only big gender differences, but is kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

Will we ever return to real human nature? I quote sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson "The genes hold culture on a leash. The leash is very long, but inevitably values will be constrained in accordance with their effects on the human gene pool...”

Monday, September 28, 2020

Is great music an attempt to find the order of the Sacred? (from the archive)

Is music a “balance” of intellect and emotion? Music seems to be an attempt to order emotions. Emotions come from the ancient dominant part of the brain system. The intellect or neocortex is newer and it tries to understand ancient emotions. But to dominate emotions with intellect? Music is more the intellect harmonizing with emotions, like a jockey riding a horse, only this horse is not really broken to the will of the rider-intellect, even if we are arrogant enough to think so.

But something is missing from intellect and emotion, and it is the activation of material life by the material Will or Tirips within.  Life is shaped by outside evolution and also activated inside by the Will or Tirips to materially evolve toward ascending levels of Godhood. Is the path to the Sacred in art to harmonize all three: emotion, intellect and Tirips, but then to concede leadership to Tirips? I suppose it is the intellect that harmonizes and understands it all this way, which does make the intellect a powerful element in this dynamic.  But it is an affirmation by the intellect of emotions more than control by the intellect that is happening with music...Is great music an attempt to find the order of the Sacred? That also describes the evolution of life toward Godhood.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

A deeper and ultimately more humane way for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett to help Haitian children

Here is Ibram X. Kendi's take on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett adopting two Haitian kids: “Some White colonizers ‘adopted’ Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity. And whether this is Barrett or not is not the point. It is a belief too many White people have: if they have or adopt a child of color, then they can’t be racist.”

I look at this subject in a different way. Professor Raymond Cattell pointed out that cultural inventions are the work of exceptionally gifted highly intelligent individuals, so new cultural inventions can demand more complex adjustments from the general population then they are genetically suited for. The resulting genetic lag is the cause of many social problems.

I want Amy Coney Barrett to join the Supreme Court, but a deeper and ultimately more humane way for good people like Amy Coney Barrett to help Haitian children will come when the solid connections between genes, high intelligent and high achievement are better understood and accepted. Richard Lynn'sIQ and Global Inequality” (2006) estimates a Haitian IQ of 72. Europeans have an average IQ 100. Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 110-117 High-caste Indians IQs in the 115-120 range. 120 is a reasonable estimate for white South African engineering students.

Eugenics is already shaping where the next generation wants to go in education, and parents are already using testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering, and we can move on from there as the deceitful paralyzing of eugenics begins to wind down.

As to people adopting a child of a different race, basic human nature is genetically kin and ethnic centered, and if multiculturalism is not forced upon us we naturally separate into ethnic groups, and diversity naturally continues with ethnostates.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Twofold Path and the nature of the Sacred Cause (from the archive)

The Will or Tirips within matter seeks to materially evolve to Godhood by activating matter to do so, which is then shaped by evolution and natural selection. As long as we are alive every cell in our body demands survival and reproductive success. This natural activation, which I call Tirips, can be blocked, subverted, or it can be unknown to us, but it can't legitimately be intellectually or instinctively denied. This cause is not like the child of Gods, it is more like the Mother of Gods, like a Materia-Spiritus giving birth to evolving matter which can then evolve to ascending levels of Father Godhood. The matter and supermatter which do not succeed in evolving to Godhood can fall back to Primal Matter and can try again. And so the cosmos acts. This religious perspective can harmonize with natural science theories of the origin of the universe, with the Will or Tirips added.

External alchemy” is the material and super-material ongoing evolution of human beings all the way to Godhood by way of the Evolutionary Outward Path, whereas “internal alchemy” is the traditional way of seeking the “God” Within of the “Soul” by way of the Involutionary Inward Path---the “spiritual” God Within of the Soul is inwardly and materially experienced as bliss when all the material desires are gotten rid of by ascetics, like Christ or Buddha, which, alas, blocks evolving matter from evolving to ascending levels of Godhood.

Alchemy” denotes the remaining mystery of these goals, now merged with the modern sciences of chemistry, biology, genetics, and so on in the Outward Path of material evolution toward Godhood.

Friday, September 25, 2020

The Trump administration is courageously taking on “Critical Race Theory” but their approach is only half right

The Trump administration is courageously taking on “Critical Race Theory” but their approach is only half right. The “1619 Project” derives from critical race theory and seeks to convince Americans that the country was founded on slavery and racism and says that racism, not equality, is deep in the culture of American society. CRT says our power structures are all based on white privilege and white supremacy, which marginalizes people of color. Propaganda materials based on the these projects have been distributed in schools around the country. White children are being taught that they are only privileged oppressors. Black children are taught that they’re born victims.

First of all Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project in reality promote nonwhites over whites disguised as a call for equality. As Murray Rothbard wrote : “Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a ruthless drive for placing themselves (the elite) at the top of a new hierarchy of power.”

The second point is that not just whites but human nature is genetically ethnocentric or racist, not with one group overall superior or inferior but with different talents, never equal, because for many thousands of years right up to our present time group selection, or ethnic altruism, was the best way to be successful in survival and reproduction. So human nature became genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

So Trump is half right in calling Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project a scam and a sham, but Critical Race Theory is also half right in finding ethnocentrism or racism disguised in the founding of modern cultures (not so much disguised in ancient cultures), but they are wrong in not seeing the racism and will to power behind people of color and Critical Race Theory.

Is their a way out of our serious identity crisis? Yes, if we will take it.  A true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states. That is the most humane solution to our deepening identity crisis.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Speaking of being “woke, ” will whites in the West wake up to demographic trends?

Speaking of being “woke, ” will whites in the West wake up to demographic trends that predict a coming choice of either survival or extinction for whites? Basic demography: births, deaths and immigration, show that whites are increasingly dying faster than being born. The last Census Bureau projections show that the U.S. will have a majority-minority population sometime between 2040 and 2050.

The corrupt media will report any call for the survival of whites as a call for the extinction of one race by another race, but reality calls for a true natural rights or civil rights movement that promotes an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

The corrupt media gloats that any future changes cannot override demography and that U.S. will never be a white country again. But when whites see that it is choice of either survival or extinction for whites the future will be a time for the rise of ethnostatism.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

We may gradually realize the reality that multicultural multi-ethnic societies just don't work

It was a grave mistake to think that shared principles, physical space, or a common national bond formed by the story of a melting pot would work, but only a marginalized few have faced up to this reality. America has not successfully united different races and ethnic groups because the biological origin of social behavior creates assimilable and unassimilable races and ethnic groups. We are naturally fragmenting into a nation of competing races in a zero game where the gains of one ethnic group is offset by the losses of another ethnic group, with much cruel social discord in the process. But all is not lost.

We may gradually realize the reality that multicultural multi-ethnic societies just don't work. The twenty first century could be the century of the rise of ethnostatism. The kindness, mercy, compassion, or humaneness of ethnostates will be understood as being in harmony with the biological origin of social behavior, and in accord with human nature, which is biologically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

Although now just rising, identity politics will continue to ascend, re-identifying with ethnicity, nationality, race, culture and faith is the world's future. People will see that racial and ethnic diversity within the same state is not our greatest strength but is our weakness. A true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Will we soon face and accept the reality of the humaneness of ethnostates, in harmony with the biological origin of social behavior, and in accord with human nature, or will we fall into the chaos of civil strife and open racial civil war?

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The moral rot of the Media

For years now the Media has been increasingly expanding the moral rot of same-sex marriage, LGBTQ uni-bathrooms, Teen Vogue has promoted homosexuality, transsexuality, and gender transition, the media has applauded doctors who provide children as young 12 with sex-changing hormones, the media is increasingly anti-white, anti-religious, and anti-male, the media highly values the now decadent industries of fashion, film-making, porn, and gambling. And pushing this moral rot has been successful: for the first time since the United States was established, a majority of young adults do not identify with religious morality.

Religion in the West has not been successful in blocking the moral rot, most Christian's don't realize that turning the other cheek was based on discipline designed for ascetics like Christ and Buddha who sought the bliss of the God within by blocking all the desires of the flesh, which would include any involvement with things like holding the media accountable for moral rot. That central ascetic goal is the real origin of most of the values of most religions which were founded by ascetics who had no time for the material world.

So the moral rot advances.

The separation between the material and the spiritual in all the revealed religions was a big metaphysical error, which set up a great spiritual blockade against the material and supermaterial evolution of life to ascending levels of real supermaterial Godhood. There need not be that tension between the material and the spiritual just as there need not be tension between religion and science and the political. A better more real and more natural formula is to follow the biological origin of social behavior.

The evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood brings back the ideals of life and living, heroism, cultivating wisdom, strength, beauty, health, kinship and ethnic bonds, harmony with life and nature; natural instincts can then be religiously appreciated and seen as vital because we evolve to Godhood by way of material evolution and successful survival and reproduction, which now can be aided by the genetic sciences...So the moral rot can be stopped.

Monday, September 21, 2020

The sanest and most humane way out of the fall of our democracies

I believe in working within established political traditions, but as we put up with the foolish and dangerous political antics of politicians like Ocasio-Cortez, Pelosi and Schumer, I sometimes think about how when America was formed the right to vote extended only to men who owned property, then was added white men regardless of property ownership, then nonwhite men, then women, then every American citizen could vote. I wonder if we would be better off now if the right to vote extended only to men who owned property? In democracies the people tend to be easily swayed and bribed by demagogues, the population is prone to irrationality and can be morally blind. But I know we have to work with the system we have.

My belief and hope is that most of the problems we are having with our democracy would fade away if we could form an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, which could deal best with most of the social problems we have. Ethnostates could allow the deep natural love of ones own group and culture to continue evolving and improving, protected by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states. And we could retain our representative democracy.

It's the sanest and most humane way I know of out of the fall of our democracies. 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Beauty as the leading player in our progressive evolution toward the truth and goodness of real material/supermaterial Godhood (from the archive)

The religious worldview of material life evolving to ascending levels of supermaterial Godhood---and not merely involution to the Inward God---gives a different perspective on the old formula of truth, goodness and beauty.

When beauty becomes connected to the traditional Logos, beauty moves away from the material world and this creates the naturalistic problem of beauty entering a transcendental world of a non-material spirit, which then leads to the worship of ideas, definitions, words, and the idol of beauty, and not the real supermaterial object of beauty as Godhood.

In relation to material and supermaterial evolution to Godhood, beauty is not in reality separated from goodness and truth, but a separation tends to happen when the spiritual dimension of goodness and truth blocks out or even excludes real material beauty from the trinity of truth, goodness and beauty, because the non-material is worshiped.

In regard to material-supermaterial evolution, beauty does not separate itself from truth and goodness, which are values and traits that need to be included in upward evolution, because any one of these alone is incomplete.

The Outward Path of evolution rescues truth, goodness and beauty from the Inward Path, which is not rejected but transformed, and restores beauty, the real material object beauty, and even places beauty as the leading player in our progressive evolution toward the truth and goodness of real material/supermaterial Godhood.

The world of beauty is not leading us astray as a siren or temptress (see Dante and others) as long as truth and goodness are included with beauty on the path of our evolution to Godhood, which is the zenith of all these things.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Why is Fox News featuring wall to wall coverage of the passing of supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

An occasional polite mention of the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have been better for a supposedly conservative cable company. Ginsburg stood for the American left and all things contrary and damaging to conservative tradition.

While I'm at it, why is Chris Wallace still featured on Fox when he is almost always critical of conservative tradition? He is a bigger pain in the neck than his father was on CBS.

Fox News is one of the only media companies that has anything good to say about president Trump, but it drifts too often into the commercial/leftist globalism of neoconservatism, which is the enemy of real conservatism.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Can the destructive power of the Big Media be curbed?

Something has to be done about the power of the Big Media, which along with openly teaching cultural Marxism, hatred of America, and especially hatred of white Americans, is also continuing the lies and dirty tricks regarding everything that president Donald Trump does.

Obviously we need to reinstate media ownership rules that curb the domination of the media by a few corporations, and we need to encourage a much wider range of ownership of media. But any move such as this is smeared by the media as limiting freedom of the press, when it would really do the opposite. But it has to be done.

Back in the 1980's 50 corporations controlled a majority of American media. By 2012 that number was six, mainly due to ending a rule preventing companies from owning a newspaper and radio and TV stations in the same city.

But the media bias, lies, and dirty tricks was drummed into journalists and reporters in all our schools which openly teach cultural Marxism, hatred of America, and especially hatred of white Americans, so the schools are institutions that also need to be recovered.

With what we see now going on in the Big Media in America and in the West it is easy to see why the first thing dictators do is take control of the Media. Is that what we want? Is that the only way to curb the destructive power of the Big Media? I hope not.

Is president Trump the only person with the courage to take up the great task of curbing the power of the media which, along with the schools, is turning America into a leftist third-world dictatorship? It is at least as important a task as reinstalling economic nationalism.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

My philosophical and political defense of the West

I affirm modern science going back at least to the Enlightenment in the West and forward into the future. I do not affirm the neoconservatives and modern liberals with their ravaging of the world, who are unfortunately based in the West. I partly retain the old tradition of the symbolically-experienced Inward God or Father Within of tradition but that Inward God is transformed in the Outward Path of evolution to ascending levels of real Godhood by way of material and supermaterial evolution, while being shaped by outside evolution and selection. And I affirm the conservatism of change, or reformation rather than radical revolution.

I do not define the “unconcealed” truth of Being or God as non-material Nothing, or as a non-material conception of Time, therefore I do not require Heidegger's Being-in-the-world (Dasein) to justify action in the world. Godhood is a supermaterial object, or objects, toward which we evolve in the material world and not merely an abstract definition or conception or feeling of desirelessness experienced in the Inward Path. Edward Wilson and sociobiology, and the courageous Raymond Cattell, are of more use to me than Heidegger.

I am also not centered on where the proto-Indo-European Northern homeland was, or whether it was called Hyperboria or Arctogaia, other than as an interesting ongoing study of ancient prehistory. I don't think in terms of a Gnostic dualism (or a Hermetic conversion) regarding two forces represented by different ethnic groups in the world. These ideas are superseded by evolution, genetics, eugenics, ethnopluralism, and the Outward Path of the evolution of life toward real Godhood. I think in terms of each distinct ethnic group having its own region and state, with a protecting federalism, I do not think in terms of one or two ethnic groups trying to control the world, which in the modern world, given the demographics, is unrealistic and even suicidal. And I don't revive pagan Gods, we must evolve far beyond the old Gods of the earth who served as survival aids in the long distant past, although we all carry them with us in our genetic past.

I cannot be anti-modern as Rene Guenon, Julius Evola, Aleksandr Dugin, and the Traditionalist School, life evolves to real Godhood in the modern and future world by way of material/supermaterial evolution. Aleksandr Dugin's version of the Traditionalist School and Eurasianism essentially seeks to destroy the West. Dugin sees the world dualistically with the West as the evil Antichrist and the Eurasia as the good “Angel of Arctogaia"---and of course he does not wish to negotiate with the Antichrist. Dugin has virtually rejected all that is great in the West, science, technology, evolution, virtually overlooking the high genetic quality of the people of the West in his angry zeal to reject all that is bad in the West, such as the neoconservatives, or soulless consumerism.

But most importantly, Dugin and the Traditionalist School have embraced the wrong religious philosophy. That is, they have affirmed as foremost the world-renouncing, so-called “non-material” Inward God, which is really a truncated symbol of the Godhood reached by way of the material world. This means they reject their chance to evolve to real Godhood, the goal of evolution, and the zenith of success in survival and reproduction.

affirm an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in politics, evolutionary realism in art, and theological materialism in religion and philosophy. It is with this philosophy that we can defend the West. Theological materialism and ethnopluralism could potentially unite various factions on the near and far right, as well as anti-globalist liberals, and even science might see something rational in this religious philosophy of the future. Will we have help from those who seek to officially protect the West, or from groups who actually support the West? Even Western traditionalist's who affirm a God not unlike the more Eastern Traditionalist School may hold back, or even serve as a fifth column in the West for Dugin's dreams.

Our real strength for synthesis and union is the religious foundation of theological materialism and the natural call for an ethnopluralism that relates best to real human nature and which still very much prefers kin and group or ethnic selection. I affirm a variety of ethnic cultures evolving ever upward within ethnostates toward ascending levels of Godhood, aided by modern science, and by anti-globalists and anti-imperialists everywhere.

That is my philosophical and political defense of the West.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The real definition of altruism (from the archive)

 Altruism is, and should be, naturally directed toward those who are genetically similar. The “natural processes have been distorted by ideologies which encourage altruism toward members of competing gene pools...There are six main entities to which an individual's ethical values can be functionally oriented: fellow group members, the group government, other group governments, members of other groups, individuals committed to a Beyondist Ethic, and, above all, the Evolutionary Purpose. Each of these objects calls for precise alignment of its loyalties, in a situational hierarchy among them. For example, a man's ethical loyalty to his own group exceeds that to members of "mankind" generally. However (a) the injunctions of the different "object" ethics are different, mostly, in kind, and (b) circumstances put emphasis on the primary survival of all groups, if the total existence of man is threatened...” (from "A Concise Beyondist Catechism” by Raymond Cattell)

This can work in harmony with the social structure of Subsidiarity. To love ones neighbor is not literally to love the whole world, which would be contrary to real human nature, to love ones neighbor is to love one's kin and ethnic group. Evolution takes place best in diverse, separate groups, we can love the world in the sense that we affirm the right of every group to love its own neighbor, its own group. Then all groups may love Godhood by materially evolving to ascending levels of Godhood. Real altruism and evolution can best take place for all us in protected ethnostates and with an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Paying attention to IQ scores is vital to the rise and fall of human civilizations

Courageous and unbiased studies by Prof Richard Lynn and others of the IQ's of various human groups: East Asians (Chinese, Koreans, Japanese) – average IQ 105 : Europeans – average IQ 100 : American Indians, Mestizos, American Blacks, Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Indians, South East Asians – average IQ 85 : African Negroes – average IQ 70 : Australian Aborigines – average IQ 62 : Bushmen and Pygmies – average IQ 54 ---: Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 110-117 : High-caste Indians IQs in the 115-120 range : If 120 is a reasonable estimate for white South African engineering students, the average IQ of the overall population should be 97.

Professor Raymond Cattell courageously found that new cultural creations tend to be the work of genetically/culturally superior intelligences and are developed in two main ways: cultural creations as outlets for frustrations, such as poetry, music, drama (p-culture), and cultural creations that are more adaptive to fit us to the environment, engineering, medicine, science (r-culture), not “merely” an “outlet.” These cultural inventions from superior intelligences tend to require more complex adjustments for the general population than the general population tend to be genetically suited for---Cattell calls this “genetic lag.”

Paying attention to IQ scores is therefore vital to the rise and fall of human civilizations. Cattell suggests that we deal with these frustrating discrepancies with eugenic measures ( improving the genetic composition of a population) to help reduce the frustrations, which can spill over into many social problems, including revolutions. It's like having foresight that can lesson the morbidity rate of the group...Sounds more humane to me than what we see today where people and cultures just painfully die.

Eugenics is already shaping where the next generation wants to go in education, and parents are already using testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering, and we can move on from there, as the deceitful paralyzing of eugenics begins to wind down.

The deeper more serious problem for me that comes from blocking eugenics is that it blocks the sacred mission of life evolving toward Godhood. We do not launch ourselves out on a goalless adventure of evolution, our goal is to materially evolve to ascending levels of  Godhood, which is the goal of theological materialism.

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, could deal best with racial defamation and discrimination; ethnostates could allow the deep natural love of ones own group and culture to continue evolving and improving, protected by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states. 

Cattell suggested setting up international research centers of sociobiology for studying the causes of the decline or rise of nations, which could advise the ethnostates. The research centers would be only advisory, we are not talking about world power here. .. Then we can all get on with evolving toward Godhood.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

The challenge of conservatism and racialism

The challenge of conservatism is to affirm ethnostates and ethnopluralism, and one of the obstacles to that affirmation is to be perceived as being racist for doing so, with all the purging and marginalizing, and worse, that can comes from that affirmation. The challenge of racialism is to move beyond the supremacism that keeps conservatives and liberals from joining them, and affirm an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, red, etc.

The Neo-Darwinist science of sociobiology, which affirms the biological origin of social behavior, can be the missing science for the two sides, which generally defines real human nature as being genetically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

This points toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates as the most humane solution to our deepening identity crisis. Multiculturalism, that is, jamming distinctly different ethnic groups together in one space and then demanding that they all get along has led to far more problems than solutions.

Conservatism blocks or conceals the ethnic-centered and xenophobic parts of human nature due it seems to universalist religious edicts. And racial supremacism is obsolete do to demographics, the population diversity of the world has grown so that any race that declares other races as evil and calls itself supreme over all others will be ganged up on and destroyed by the other races.

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states. Ethnopluralism has the potential of making all groups relatively happy. Ethnopluralism protected by a defensive federalism needs to be the next big political movement, it deals best with racial defamation and discrimination, but also more importantly allows the deeply natural love of ones own group and culture to shine forth.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Black Power movement propaganda invades the game

Although pretentious, skinny-jean-wearing, Birkenstock types seem clueless to the racial power game going on, most men who watch football support equal treatment before the law; they also sense but rarely say it openly that multicultural multi-ethnic societies are a zero sum game where the gain of one ethnic group is offset by the loss of another ethnic group. But then, we almost desperately want to watch sports so we overlook it when Black Power movement propaganda invades the game. And its happening everywhere in America in all cultural fields.

In the opening game of the NFL football season last night I watched the demonstrations during the national anthem and the locking arms at the sideline as a prerecorded black version of "The Star-Spangled Banner" was played. The Houston Texans stayed in the locker room not wanting to honor the flag. Once the Texans came out on the field the players on both teams stood at the 50-yard line and locked arms in an affirmation of the Black Lives Matter movement. There was only few "boos" from the small crowd.

That was it for me, I said to the television: “Your Black Lives Matter movement is a disguised Black Power movement,” and I turned off the television...The civil rights movement ultimately showed itself as the same disguised movement for superiority not equality.

Human nature is grounded in group-selection and ethnocentrism, so another approach, another philosophy, still in line with human nature and the biological origin of social behavior is called for, and that pathway is ethnopluralism, or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., defended by a defensive federalism.

I may try the NFL again when my home team plays, but if I see Black Power movement propaganda I'll probably not watch the game.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The astounding political ignorance of modern liberalism begins and ends with their ignorance or denial of the biological origin of human social behavior

Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques. Brainwashing is said to reduce its subjects' ability to think critically or independently to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, as well as to change their attitudes, values and beliefs.” (Wikipedia)

Real human nature has almost nothing to do with what the schools and the media are teaching. The astounding political ignorance of modern liberalism begins and ends with their ignorance or denial of the biological origin of human social behavior and real human nature, which gives the lie to their worldview claiming that all human nature is socially constructed.  

As long as we are alive every cell in our body demands survival and reproductive success. This natural activation can be blocked, subverted, or it can be unknown to us, but it can't legitimately be intellectually or instinctively denied. Real human nature remains gender defined, heterosexual, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other traditional things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection and survival.

The explanation that seems plausible to me for the freakish victory of postmodernism, Marxism, radical feminism, etc. in the academic world and in the media is that the relativism and power philosophy of postmodernism was not successfully countered by the academic traditional conservatives because they could not fully accept their best defense, which is the biological origin of our social behavior taught by the scientific synthesis of sociobiology. For example, they could not see religion as being a better way to socially bond groups together (altruism) for the purpose of more successful survival and reproduction. Traditionalists could not move beyond their definition of God as being outside the world of biological power and material desires, and so postmodernism won the academic power war.

The biological origin of our social behavior, as empirically explained by sociobiology, actually ends the intellectual defense of modern liberals and postmodern relativism, but they don't know it yet.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Steady change, not revolution, is typical in biological evolution

Bold thinking is often accompanied by impatience. One of the things that has taken me the longest to learn is that change usually comes in small increments through patient and persistent effort over decades, and big changes can take years.

Radical revolutions usually don't work, they last a very short time and are quickly snuffed out because they were not grounded in patient and persistent effort over decades, and years.

Steady change, not revolution, is typical in biological evolution and is the conservative way to evolve and change; over many centuries we evolved three brains, one evolved upon the other---the reptilian and the mammalian brains were retained, not thrown away, even as we evolved the higher neocortex.

Alan Bullock said originality lay in the realization that effective revolutions, in modern conditions, are carried out with and not against the power of the State: the correct order of events was first to secure access to that power and then begin revolution.

Perhaps the most important belief of the conservatives is that change comes in small increments through patient and persistent effort over decades, and big changes take years.

I seek big changes, such as ethnopluralism of ethnostates in politics, evolutionary realism in art, and theological materialism in religion and philosophy, but I know that revolutions, like war, tend to sweep all gains away, which can slow down evolution, and evolution over time needs the order of tradition and peace, while seeking and keeping the best of the new.

For example, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be conservatively and legally established in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, but without a federal defense complete secession from the union could leave the new ethnostates vulnerable to marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers.

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

The sacred synthesis of theological materialism (from 2018)

I think theological materialism better solves the tragic separation that took place as rationalism weakened or destroyed myth and faith, which Hegel, Nietzsche, and others intellectually wrestled with.

Science, the jewel of the reason and the Enlightenment, can be a great aid in the material evolution of life to supermaterial Godhood, which retains myth and faith since the God or Gods are not rejected but transformed in evolutionary theological materialism.

The philosophy of art which Nietzsche thought could replace a religion that ascetically rejected material life, can affirm life, evolution, heroism, and creative moral art, with the sacred affirmation of material evolution to supermaterial Godhood.

For conservatives or traditionalists the Twofold Path retains the old religion of the involutionary inward path to the symbolic God Within but transforms it in the evolutionary outward path of material evolution to real supermaterial Godhood.

Three cheers?

The sacred activation and the goal of life

The biggest sticking point for most scientists comes in believing in the complete randomness of evolution, denying any kind of direction to evolution, which when asked what is the purpose of existence tends to put them in that camp of quiet desperation. Evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward “higher and higher more effective living forms,” as Cattell put it.

The separation between the material and the spiritual in the revealed religions was a big metaphysical error, which set up a great spiritual blockade against the material and supermaterial evolution of life to ascending levels of real supermaterial Godhood. The exclusively Inward Path of most religions claim that the Soul (and also their version of the Spirit) is the only reality. But Spirit is better defined as Tirips, which is the symbol for the activation within life, within every cell of the body, demanding things like metabolism and reproduction. I also define the “will” as Tirips.

The zenith of the material mind, which is what the Soul is, and the physical body, follow after Tirips and are activated by Tirips. The closest thing to Godhood we have is Tirips which activates the reality of the body to materially evolve within nature and natural selection toward ascending levels of Godhood. The will, spirit, spirit-will, or material Tirips, ultimately mean the activation of the material world to evolve all the way to ascending levels Godhood while working within the outside ups and downs of nature, evolution and natural selection...We need to end the great mystic war and unite science and religion.

Monday, September 07, 2020

Traditional America and traditional white Americans can't survive in a culturally Marxist America, so what to do?

 Multiculturalism, high immigration from the third world, same sex marriage, unrestricted abortion, government devoted to advancing nonwhites and unassimilating minorities, etc. etc. has been suicidal for traditional America and traditional white Americans, but it has been the will to power of nonwhites and unassimilating minorities.

How was it possible to get traditional America and traditional white Americans to agree to their own cultural suicide? What happened to the natural instincts to live? What happened to real human nature which is genetically kin and ethnic centered? Years of culturally Marxist propaganda and brainwashing from the schools and the media, which were gradually taken over by people who used cultural Marxism as their own wills to power. And big corporations went along with the suicide of traditional America and traditional white Americans because they were building global corporations and wanted no border restrictions on their growth.

It is probably too late to bring traditional America and traditional white America back, so we are left with giving our survival energies to the movement to create an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which could be developed legally in the United States from our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., with a defensive federalism. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red. Traditional America and traditional white Americans can't survive in a culturally Marxist America.

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Saving religion and conservatism from rootless consumerism and rootless religion

Unlike Conservative Inc., paleoconservative's rightly believe that without religious tradition, individualism, the free enterprise economy, and democratic capitalist ideology become what we have today in the West: rootless consumerism open to leftist degeneration. But the religious tradition grounded in spiritualism, in its monastic esoteric essence, is as rootless as rootless consumerism. Given Christ's edict to reject the desires of the flesh in a bid to experience the God Within, traditional religions at their essence barely tolerate materialism in any form. But without material evolution, which is the real religious vehicle of our material evolution toward Godhood, religion becomes as rootless as rootless consumerism.

We can indeed immanentize the eschaton, attain Godhood directly within nature and evolution, when we affirm that evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all the way toward ascending levels of Godhood. In theological materialism, religion and science can legitimately unite with the deepest roots needed to save religion and conservatism from rootless consumerism and rootless religion.

Saturday, September 05, 2020

The media and the schools as monsters of destruction (from the archive)

Light comedies in the evening can relax me, but over the years television comedies have become so raunchy and obscene, even during family prime time, that they only make me angry. It is the conscious destruction of the traditional values of normal citizens that drives me crazy. 

Why do the popular media producers and the schools want to destroy traditional values? I think of Nietzsche's diagnosis of the metamorphosis of the will to power. First justice is demanded at the hands of those who hold power. Then freedom is demanded.  Next they demand equal rights largely to prevent competitors from growing power. And we now have the latter stages of this metamorphosis involving the total destruction of the values and the power of those who once held power. This is what happens with multiculturalism when different ethnic groups vie for power in a zero sum game where one ethnic group advances by the loss of another ethnic group, because human nature is kin and ethnic centered.

A more practical way to live is to affirm an ethnopluralism of different ethnic states and regions, protected internally and externally by a defensive federalism.  The U.S. Constitution could  informally or formally accommodate this with its separation of powers and states. That will allow the conscious affirmation of the traditions and values of distinctly different people. The media and the schools won't like it, but who cares, they are monsters of destruction.

Friday, September 04, 2020

Time is not Being (from the archive)

I understand that Zurvanism, an extinct branch of Zoroastrianism, said, "time created everything." They seem to think that when something or someone is said to be in that state of timelessness there is no you or I or it or separations, there isn't birth or death, which suggests an immortality for "time.”

That is very good description of what is not timeless Being. Time is judged in relation to living beings who see time passing, and can remember past time and can think of future times.

So Heidegger's idea of Being as Time is in line with that tendency of intellectuals, at least since Plato, to overlook the fact that the “names” of things are an abstraction which only point toward the reality of the thing named---the abstract name is not the thing-in-itself.

Time” is a secondary abstraction or name for the actions of material evolution in time. Living objects are the real Beings, not the abstract name “time” for the course or period that living beings move through.

The highest evolved material-not-spiritual Beings are called Godhood, which are evolved to in the material-supermaterial world, and time is important only in relation to living objects living in time.

Thursday, September 03, 2020

Ethnostates offer the right way to define “diversity”

Racial supremacism is obsolete and going extinct do to demographics, or the dynamic balance of a racial populations with regard to density and capacity for expansion or decline. The population diversity of the world has grown so that any race that declares other races as evil and calls itself supreme over all other races will be ganged up on and destroyed by the other races. But human nature is still grounded in group-selection and ethnocentrism, so another approach, another philosophy, still in line with human nature and the biological origin of social behavior is called for, and that pathway is ethnopluralism, or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

Ethnopluralism, defended against the bigger imperialists and supremacists by federalism, needs to be the next big political movement, it can deal best with racial defamation and discrimination, but also more importantly ethnostates allow real human nature the deep natural love of ones own group and culture. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates is factual and feasible, and most humane in view of density and capacity of different races now, all with natural wills to power. Ethnostates offer the right way to define “diversity”---multiculturalism, that is, jamming distinctly different groups together in one space and then demanding that they all get along has led to far more problems than solutions. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

How I interpret Raymond Cattell's eugenics---yes the dreaded word (from the archive)

Human evolution proceeds ultimately by natural selection among groups, which then determines the natural selection among individuals, genetically and culturally. The ethics of the group are fixed by aiming to survive in reaction to the environment. We have loyalties in a hierarchy of values from fellow group members to mankind in general.

New cultural creations tend to be the work of genetically/culturally superior intelligences and are developed in two main ways: cultural creations as outlets for frustrations, such as poetry, music, drama (p-culture), and cultural creations that are more adaptive to fit us to the environment, engineering, medicine, science (r-culture), not “merely” an “outlet.”

These cultural inventions from superior intelligences tend to require more complex adjustments for the general population than the general population tend to be genetically suited for---Cattell calls this “genetic lag.” It's like the old instinctual brain having to adjust to the newer cortex.

Cattell suggests that we deal with these frustrating discrepancies with eugenic measures ( improving the genetic composition of a population) to help reduce the frustrations, which can spill over into many social problems, including revolutions. It's like having foresight for groups akin to a medical watch on individuals, which can lesson the morbidity rate of the group...Sounds more humane to me than what we see today where cultures just painfully die.

Adventurous societies will always be looking for new helpful (not antisocial) inventions from superior people, which then need adjustment to the general population. The goal is to always be evolving, which Cattell believes is the prime process of the universe. He calls this scientific religious philosophy "Beyondism."

I adjust Cattell's prime process of the universe to the material evolution of life to ascending levels of supermaterial, not spiritual, Godhood.

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Ethnostates are the next stage in civilizing the beast

Some of the loudest voices raised against ethnocentrism are the most ethnocentric groups.

It is not ethnocentrism that is primitive, barbaric and uncivilized, unless you define real human nature as primitive, barbaric and uncivilized (and some do). The social problems come when one ethnocentric group calls another ethnocentric group "evil" because they are ethnocentric. Undoing this primitive and unsophisticated behavior, which has seemed unaffected by objective reasoning, is the next stage in civilizing the beast.

Real human nature is grounded in the altruism of group-selection and ethnocentrism, which has been successful for thousands of years in survival and reproduction and is a basic genetic part of real human nature. As sociobiologist E.O. Wilson has pointed out, “Hereditary altruists form groups so cooperative and well-organized as to out-compete non-altruists.”

Multiculturalism, that is, jamming distinctly different groups together in one space and then demanding that they all get along has led to far more problems than solutions. And it is supremacist groups and imperial monopolies who most benefit from multiculturalism. Ethnic or racial groups who are anti-Semitic, anti-Black, anti-Hispanic, or anti-White have not understood the message of ethnopluralism. Those who object to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates are usually Global Big Business, the Big Media, Supremacist Racial Groups, and misguided Modern Liberals who seek national or international supremacy. These anti-other-groups are the the main cause of racial defamation and discrimination.

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates has the potential to make all groups relatively happy. Ethnopluralism protected by a defending federalism needs to be the next big political movement, it deals best with racial defamation and discrimination, but also more importantly allows the deeply natural love of ones own group and culture to shine forth.