Friday, May 22, 2020

The Old Right is not enough

In an essay back in September 2019 about “Resurrecting the Old Right” Paul Gottfried said white nationalism and the Alt-Right “represent a moribund ideology that offers an imaginary antidote to a misdiagnosed pathology.” But that is preciously what the Old Right represents.

I generally support the Old Right and courageous paleoconservatives like Pat Buchanan, but they won't rationally, instinctively, or openly affirm the biological origin of social behavior, and that makes all the difference in the world. Until that sociobiological reality is front and center culturally and politically the Old Right must be considered a partly moribund ideology (yes ideology) that offers mainly a traditional religious antidote to a misdiagnosed pathology. Conservatism fits together into a system, a magisterium, which includes as much “social-justice engineering” as any ideology. Russell Kirk is one of my favorite thinkers but his anti-ideology is also an ideology.

Politics is both the art of the possible and the ideal, but the Old Right wants to affirm only what it deems as the possible, which does not include the future biological evolution of man. The biological origin of our social behavior, which includes religion, actually ends the intellectual defense of postmodern relativism and the cultural Marxist ideologues, but it also takes some of the virtue-signaling away from conservatives.

In America conservatives have the political tool of the constitutional separation of powers and states, which has been increasingly losing to the growth of Big Government and globalist control. The constitutional separation of powers and states needs not only to be fought for but legally expanded toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates within the regions and states of America, balanced and defended by federalism. That would be in true harmony with real kin and ethnic centered human nature as accurately and courageously defined by sociobiology. That is the way to actually conserve people and therefore conserve the ethnic cultures people create.

The “idyllic imagination” which Russell Kirk is so skeptical of can project the evolution of material life all the way to supermaterial Godhood, which is best done by preserving the best of the past, and by conserving variety, as we evolve toward higher forms of the good, the true, and the beautiful. That is the change coming of "evolutionary conservatism," which is really more prudent than reckless.

The goal of materially evolving to Godhood need not deprive us of either science or religion. Defining the internal material force of life which activates life toward evolving toward higher and higher forms, and eventually to Godhood, while being shaped by natural outside evolution, may be a bit further than religion and science want to go now, but we need to go there.

Will the Old Right affirm evolutionary conservatism? Will the Left? In any case I believe that the biological origin of our social behavior will be affirmed, not today, not tomorrow, but perhaps the day after tomorrow.

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