Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Bypassing the confusion of religious symbols (from 2008)

Traditionally, material life is symbolized as the snake coiling itself around the Tree, meaning a person who does not involve themselves in desirelessness---desire is symbolized as the snake.

The involutionary symbolism of the Traditionalists, and those who study the Kabbalah, and others, can be an aid, although a complicated aid, in reaching the God-Within, but Godhood is only "reflected" inwardly. Much of the involutionary knowledge can be mistaken for ultimate wisdom, and it can become knowledge more  like the Ouroboros, the snake swallowing its tail.

We could apply another symbol, the Firebird, the Phoenix, rising from the desireless state of the involutionary god-nirvana to materially evolve to real Godhood---but does it even need a symbol?

Many secret societies appear to be using ancient primordial symbols, which were originally meant to aid elite religious seekers in reaching the involutionary Soul or God within. And the Jungians tend to apply symbols to the human psyche as the source of religion. For a purer reading of primordial symbols there is the the esoteric writings of Rene Guenon.

Or you could bypass the confusion of religious symbols and cut the Gordian Knot confusion of religious symbols, rather than endlessly trying to nitpick and unravel the symbols. Aren't symbols supposed to illuminate?

Far from disparaging science, the theological materialism says that science can elevate spiritual alchemy to “material alchemy,”  transforming man to Godhood in material evolution. In the Twofold Path with involution we experience the inward symbolic hint of Godhood (spiritual alchemy), but with outward  evolution (material alchemy) we materially evolve to ascending levels of real Godhood. 

Science has, until now, enjoyed prestige and support for the pursuit of more mundane non-religious goals, much as the modern chemists have departed from the spiritual goals of the alchemists. The sacred goal of science and religion (or all fields) can aid each other to attain Godhood in material evolution, as we rise out of our modern funk.  

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