Monday, May 11, 2020

Literalizing the unliteral (from 2008)

For centuries religion has developed symbols using literal objects to stand for spiritual things. It is time to turn this around again. For example, “New Creation” and “Heaven” are not merely spiritual symbols for indwelling states of consciousness, they are actual places and things which we materially evolve to. With this in mind, prehistorical religions can join traditional religions and move beyond them to transcending the unliteral with the literal.

Symbolic language is not the only way to express spiritual things, especially since spiritual things are the evolved-material; “New Jerusalem” is not merely a new highest consciousness, but is a highest level of evolution.

I do not deny the interpretation of Heaven in the Bible as a symbolic highest mode of consciousness, but I do define this highest consciousness as only the indirect involutionary inward way to experience the indwelling bliss, which is not God.

I affirm a more literal interpretation of these things in the more direct Evolutionary Outward Path. A “new man” literally means a new man, a “new heaven” literally means a new super-material place evolved to from the material. The Evolutionary Outward Path reliteralizes unliteral symbols.

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