Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Netflix boosts lesbianism mostly to the vulnerable young

The new Netflix romantic comedy “The Half of It” is a tug-at-the-heart affirmation of homosexuality which entertainingly and sentimentally boosts lesbianism mostly to the vulnerable young. It was written and directed by Alice Wu who says she came to the realization that she was gay while taking a gender studies class at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, of all places.
In the film Wu has the outsider nerd heroine, Ellie, agree to write love letters for a nice but dum outsider jock who wants to win a girl but he doesn’t have the word skills for it. Then Ellie finds herself falling for the girl too.

Falling for the girl by Ellen comes out of nowhere, we think we will have a cute little change of heart and the outsider boy and the outsider girl will end up falling for one other. But the heroine, Ellie, has never had a close friend before and apparently can't tell the difference between being gay and a normal same-sex friendship so she falls for the girl as a gay.

All the boys/men in this film are cartoonishly idiotic or deeply depressed, like Ellen's father. Wu has the rejection of marriage between a man and a women happen dramatically, with heart-felt speeches, at a church service!

Homosexuality is a learned behavior and this film will make it far easier for hapless girls to fall for the vile nonsense promoted in gender studies classes across the country. Netflix is, of course, planning a sequel.

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