Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ethnostates are complete in themselves

...“Each authentic tradition is complete in itself. Thus, the “traditional man”, who follows one of those traditions has no need whatsoever to know anything about the teachings or symbols of another tradition. Everything he needs for his own self-development or self-transcendence is already there within his own tradition. Hence, it is absolutely absurd to call him a “traditionalist”, since he is simply a Hindu, or Taoist, or Sufi.” Colgero.  

Although the above quote seems a bit too insular, the same thing applies to ethnic groups or races and ethnostates. The teachings or symbols of ethnic groups and ethnostates were evolved in different places and environments and with different genetic traits. How can we conservatively retain the American union as we deal with our increasingly ethnically diverse society? That is, can we avoid radical revolution and yet adapt to the increasingly combative racial and cultural differences in America?  

Some of the loudest voices raised against ethnocentrism are the most ethnocentric groups. The “melting pot” and then the pluralist society went against the biological origin of social behavior and against basic human nature. These social experiments were probably mostly due to ignorance, although some knowingly promoted assimilation to try to take away the bonds of competing ethnic groups. 

How can we conservatively retain the American union as we deal with our increasingly ethnically diverse society? We can adapt our Constitutional separation of powers and states to a deeper sociobiological knowledge. 

If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature are allowed to be what they are, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.

 Human nature is biologically kin and ethnic centered and it's better to advocate ethnostates for all distinctive ethnic groups than to become anti-Chinese, anti-Semitic, anti-Black, anti-White, etc, etc. We need to protect and defend our differences and become as independent as we can, while still dealing with the world.  

Seeing the truth about human nature has been difficult through the ages because truth requires courage to see. Unfortunately it is often timid men who become intellectuals and their writings often reflect their timidity. There are exceptions but not many. This seems to be why folk culture often seems more truthful. Courageous men don't seem to become intellectuals. Perhaps this also explains why high culture needs to be the superstructure built over the structure of folk culture.

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