Sunday, May 17, 2020

Countering Spengler's prediction of inevitable fall

Many if not most of the “social justice warriors” and those who have been infected with the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” really do think of Middle Americans and Southerners as “deplorable” Klansmen, neo-Nazis, “white trash,” and Trump-backing Christian extremists. They were taught this view in the Media and the Schools. 

They resent all traditional values and believe that all truths are relative other than their own self-righteous hatred of deplorable Middle Americans and Southerners.

The conservative formula of believing what all men, everywhere, always have believed in, usually harmonizes with real biologically originated human nature, which is universally kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, religious-making, among other conservative things.

But human nature is also biologically ethnocentric, even xenophobic, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, and that human reality is objected to by both conservatives and modern liberals.

The big problem for traditionalism in fighting back is that they use God rather than primal biology in demanding traditional conservative values, when the best argument for saving life and traditions is that traditional conservative values work best in successful survival and reproduction.

We will probably have to wait for future leaders to pick up what President Trump leaves undone, as Trump picked up what Ronald Reagan left undone. But we can continue to counter Spengler's prediction of inevitable fall in solving the age old problem of union in America by forming an ethnopluralism of ethnostates adapted from our Constitutional separation of powers and states, and then protecting the ethnostates from marauding imperialists, supremacists, global money grubbers, and social justice warriors, with a defensive federalism.

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