Friday, November 01, 2019

Working toward a more real and natural sequence of religious and political priorities

This is how a natural subsidiary of religious and political priorities, implied by the evolutionary sciences, can harmonize with the natural sequence of the altruistic genetic priorities of real human nature: Individual, kin, ethnic group, state, region, nation, world, universe, Godhood. 

When political philosophy synchronizes with this sequence we could have nations of light federal systems protecting the variety and independence of decentralized regions and states, or ethnostates. When this philosophy is bonded in a religion dedicated to life materially evolving to ongoing levels of Godhood (theological materialism), then we could approach a whole, complete, and long-lasting worldview, free from the non-material utopianism of traditional religious and political ways of looking at the world.
But human beings tend to be more a scheming species than a wise species and long-term religions and philosophies are often blocked or overturned by short-term selfish people. Dominance tends to win over talented creativity, at least in the short term, which of course is no reason to stop working toward a more real and natural sequence of religious and political priorities. It is better not to radically force it, better to take back the cultural institutions first, as the cultural Marxists did before they ruined the West. For example, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and money grubbers, by a light federalism.

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