Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How all is not lost for materialism and the bourgeoisie

Ayn Rand's philosophy was an overreaction to communism, Rand's utopian individual selfishness tried to take the place of Lenin's utopian unselfishness. Both had it wrong.

Rand formed her philosophy before neoDarwinist sociobiology empirically pointed out that group-selection with its altruism, which Rand despised, was the primary unit of successful selection, with individual selection following group-selection in a co-evolution, which is genetically inherent in human nature. But by that time Rand's ego was too committed to change her emphasis.

Altruism grew directly out of the competition between groups, with successful groups having more social bonding and cohesion, which passed on those successful altruistic genes and embedded them in basic human nature.

Rand tried to give the bourgeoisie a tune-up but her materialism was not only missing the biological origin of social behavior and altruism but missing a sacred goal. Her philosophy of selfish individualism and her version of materialism helped lead to the marauding globalism of the neoconservatives, which in the end has wrecked her affirmation of the bourgeoisie and materialism.

If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed to be what it is, it naturally leads to regionalism, localism, ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. All groups can naturally evolve in their own unique ways. In the U. S. this could be accomplished not by way of radical revolution but through adapting---not overturning---the U.S. constitutional separation of powers and states, with the ethnostates protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, by a light federalism.

And most importantly religion is not lost for materialism and the bourgeoisie: the philosophy of theological materialism transforms the misguided spiritualism of ascetics and gives materialism the sacred goal it has been missing with the good news of the material evolution of life to ascending levels of real supermaterial Godhood.

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