Friday, November 29, 2019

A Godhood and religion of real material life

The great metaphysical error has been the concept of “transcending the world of things.” Why would we want to do that?! Yet that is the sacred goal of traditional religion and philosophy. The ascetic idea of this was to bring about the experience described as apprehending the God or Father within by way of overcoming or blocking all material desires. But it is really a peak material experience and not a spiritual experience that "transcends the world of things."

Nietzsche thought this spiritualism was the conscious will to power of the priests and royals to control warriors and farmers, but it is more deeply defined as a metaphysical error, a plain misunderstanding, and it belongs to the usually unconscious biological origin of social behavior.

As a consequence of his perspective Nietzsche radically threw out God and religion. But the conservative thing to do is to transform God and religion with knowledge coming in from the evolutionary sciences regarding the biological origin of social behavior, which includes religion as the bonding agent for morals and values, caring for others, etc., because that enhanced successful survival and reproduction. 
Are we not now mature enough to stop the obvious religious and political lies we use to disguise the biological origin of our social behavior? If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed to be what it is, it naturally leads to regionalism, localism, ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which could be accomplished, not by way of radical revolution, but through adapting, not overturning, the U.S. constitutional separation of powers and states, with the ethnostates protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, by a light federalism.

We can have Godhood and religion as the bonding agent for morals and values, but it is a Godhood and religion of real material life, with the sacred goal of evolving in the material world to ascending levels of Godhood. In the Twofold Path we will need new liturgies and feast days conservatively transforming, and not rejecting, those first inward experiences of God.

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