Thursday, June 14, 2018

Wrong religion leads to wrong politics

In reality the deeper spiritual gurus celebrate a lot of death. First they think being born into the sinful material world means the death of the real Self. Then must come the death of the lower nature and the awakening of the higher nature, followed by the diffusion into eternity, really another death defined as life because all the desires of real life are gone.

Why this great hatred of real life? It all seems to be done in reality to experience the bliss that can come from blocking all the desires of material life, some of which can cause pain, and this desirelessness is then pumped up as being the experience of heaven or nirvana. Was no hedonistic heroin available?

No. That is wrong religion. Right religion affirms successful survival and reproduction and defines Godhood as the zenith of successful survival and reproduction and the zenith of material evolution. Life, evolving life, is celebrated, not death.

Finding the best way to evolve, eventually all the way to Godhood, allows us to take another look at political philosophy to see how much of it is affected by religious hedonism and Utopianism. Deep-conservatism keeps it feet on the ground while gazing up at real evolutionary material and supermaterial horizons.

And we can't choose only one people to evolve, they would be overwhelmed in this crowded world of many people. That is mainly why---in harmony with real human nature and theological materialism---we need an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, the political configuration of the future.

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