Saturday, June 30, 2018

The conscious and unconscious Marxist scam against biology

It's a Marxist scam, this affirmation of self-invention and culture-invention, leaving out the biological origin of most of our social behavior. This includes most of modern philosophy.

Why would we want to leave biology and genetics out of philosophy? It seems to be both a conscious and unconscious scam. The great irony is that it is the will to survival and reproductive success (deeper than the will to power) that most pushes the rejection of the biological origin of our social behavior.

If we can ever see it for the scam that it is then we can really start evolving and advancing---all groups can. As E.O, Wilson says regarding human survival, "Within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals." This basic group-selection preference leads logically and instinctively (and humanely) not to Marxism but to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

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