Thursday, June 21, 2018

Fighting a political disease by injecting the disease

The main political and ethical problem with special interest lobbies who represent nations and ethnic groups is the "supremacy" of their ethnocentrism, which amounts to "racial supremacy." It is not their ethnocentrism that is the problem, it's their interest (often hidden) in supremacy. Ethnocentrism is entirely normal and a primary part of real human nature; it is a big part of the biological origin of much of our social behavior, which led to the central survival success of group-selection, and altruism.

Special interest lobbies like Israel, Saudi Arabia, Black and Hispanic lobbies, and White racial groups, promote their own special interests often by blaming the other groups for being racial supremacists while ignoring or hiding their own racial supremacism. And on and on it goes with the far-right and far-left getting angrier and angrier, seeing their own groups falling back in numbers and power, which often leads to civil war, pogroms, and genocide.

Like fighting a political disease by injecting the disease, we can fight the special interest lobbies who push their own racial and national supremacy not by promoting and finagling our own supremacism but by promoting an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in harmony with real human nature.

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be accomplished in the U. S. with only a few amendments to the constitutional separation of powers and states, where different ethnic groups could politically and culturally conduct themselves according to who they actually are in their own states and regions, with a federalism mainly for the geopolitical heft to defend the ethnostates in the big world. And it needs to be done legally and nonviolently.

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates is the natural, ethical, legal, and practical way to counter special interest lobbies that represent unfair supremacist nations and ethnic groups.

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