Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Predictably human nature is breaking America apart

Prominent conservatives can't even eat in restaurants without being harassed by mau-mauing, irrational, uncivilized leftists, who are activated mainly by racial animosity and resentment, even if they hold up slogans demanding justice and equality. The central fact of the biological origin of most of our social behavior rules human history and politics.

A few of us see that the only sane way to bring some harmony to our now multicultural (really multi-ethnic) nation, given that human nature is resolutely kin and ethnic-centered, is to adapt the constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates...But this idea is quite a bit ahead of its time, even though it was advocated before I came on the scene.

Meanwhile, leftists, feminists, transgenders, and minority racial supremacists are gaining much attention, supported by the nefarious Big Media, so we may have to watch the slow painful realization of regional ethnostates, probably only after much civil disruption or even civil war. Predictably human nature is breaking America apart.

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