Thursday, June 07, 2018

Looking at life from a deeper position than only thinking or feeling

Both religion and philosophy tend to value thinking over life (Nietzsche's position). Although I would add that religion at the upper levels of development "feels" and "experiences" blissful states which thinking gets in the way of---perhaps a different version of Dionysus.

I think we need to look at life from a deeper position than only thinking or feeling and when we do the biological origin of social behavior reveals a force which thinking and feeling are only a part of---although it may still be rational.  Biology comes before and develops thinking and feeling.

I then take the position that human biology contains an activation to evolve to the highest success of Godhood, along with dealing with the random outside forces of selection and evolution. I call that inward activation Tirips (a material will to Godhood) which transforms thinking and feeling about spirit and Godhood.

I believe this primal and sacred activation to evolve toward Godhood, which one day may be empirically understood, shows the "will to power" to be secondary. This primal and sacred activation is more important or deeper than thinking or feeling, and it needs to be included in religion, philosophy and science.

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