Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The exploitation of altruism

Sociobiologist E.O.Wilson explained altruism this way: "Within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals."

The standard definition of altruism exploits modern liberalism in saying only that altruism is the unselfish interest in the welfare of others, missing the fact that altruism was developed as behavior that (1) helped genetically related kin and group survive and reproduce successfully, and because (2) group selection was more successful for individuals in the long term.

Unselfishness toward the whole world applies or works only out at the weakest edges of altruism if the world is seriously threatened, which is why universalist religions and political philosophies have not created peace and love in the world.

If altruism was understood as it really exists in human nature we would set up an ethnopluralism of ethnostates and advocate localism, which would relate to realistic bonding between people in groups. We might even have a religion that does not promote universalist non-materialism, and have a real Godhood evolved to in the material world, as described in the philosophy of theological materialism.

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