Friday, January 12, 2018

Demographics don't need to be pessimistic or lead to s---holes

The response of those from countries referred to as "s---holes" by President Trump (which was a bigoted thing to say) should be: "It may seem like a s---hole to you but it is our s---hole. And further more we don't want to immigrate to your abundant nation, we want to maintain and even build up our own unique culture and nation."

Demographics suggest that if we want to stop the open immigration of "workers" into our country we should concentrate on technology which will take the place of immigrant workers. I heard a financial analyst suggest this as a solution for Japan's dying population, since they wisely don't allow immigration to destroy their homogeneous but dying homeland.

In a related demographic problem, we weren't as wise as Japan in maintaining an orderly homogeneous population, and so the U.S. can also think of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates as a solution to our present and future demographic problems, which could even be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, and protected by federalism.

It is treating diverse groups with respect to advocate a homeland to keep them intact and thriving and living in a more natural harmony. This is the opposite of bigotry, as multiculturalists and globalists like to label it, it is treating diverse groups with respect. Human nature remains kin-centered and ethnocentric in spite of years of endless propaganda and even force used to try to make us all the same.

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