Monday, January 01, 2018

For the New Year and beyond: bringing the West back to reality

I see two kinds of liberals, those who accept the "reality" that the Big Media tells them is reality, and those who more or less know reality but find reality inconvenient and therefore manipulate reality.

The manipulated reality has been to sell moral relativism, sexual freedom, equality, and culturally malleable identity, and it has been successful! The West is a brutalized mess!

So can we bring the West back to reality? The way the manipulators did it was to march through the institutions, as the leftist Gramsci told them to do, until they controlled the institutions. Alain de Benoist suggested this way to the Alt-right years ago.

But reality is harder to sell than the unreality of moral relativism, sexual freedom, and equality. Conservatives are not as good at lying as the manipulators of reality, who lie with great chutzpah. Is that why force is so often used?

Well, it has to be done legally and not radically, conservatives don't destroy what works. For example, in the U.S. we can transform the constitutional separation of powers and states into regions of ethnostates, more in line with the reality of human nature, which continues to prefer kin and ethnic group, and group selection. That movement has to get going, difficult as it is.

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