Saturday, June 14, 2014

Universalism Within Particularism

Far too much is made in religion, especially in traditionalism, and philosophy in general, of the "universal," to the point where the particular is almost lost entirely and abstract universal formulas are actually worshiped. And this does not take place only in the Eastern Traditionalist School; Catholicism is universalist, as is Christianity in general, having taken the natural altruism of the local ethnic group and hypertrophied it into universal altruism, which is quite unnatural and therefore has not made the world a peaceful and loving place for all. The real object is not the definition or abstraction of the real object, even if we usually here this the other way around. Any particularism seen in these religions seems to be only a reluctant bow to the practicality of natural life. 

Universalism can remain symbolic and secondary to particularism in the Twofold Path, but secondary to the real living object. When traditional religion can revitalize and reform itself with theological materialism, then the natural particularism required in our material/supermaterial evolution to real Godhood can help solve the particularism/universalism problem. When the highest evolved nature of Godhood is seen as the highest evolved natural object or objects in the cosmos then Godhood will no longer be lost in abstract universal formulas defined and worshiped as God. The Inward God or Father Within can keep its abstract place in the Inward Path as the symbolic-experience of the real Godhood evolved to in the cosmos in the Outward Path. The wisdom of Conservatism can prevail in this by bringing the new into the old rather than radically trying to begin the world all over again.

There are also political implications in this, for example, when we define Edmund Burke as a particularist and Leo Strauus as a universalist, as Daniel McCarthy recently did in an excellent essay on Strauss and Burke. McCarthy writes: “One way to understand the paleo-neo wars of the 1990s is as a struggle to decide whether a universalistic Christian conservatism (including Christian Zionism) or a particularistic ethno-nationalist (specifically, Southern and white ethnic) conservatism would prevail.”  The Ethnopluralism affirmed in this blog protected by some sort of federalism can allow for the variety and independence of small virtual ethnostates (not unlike the States in America can be) as the best and most natural means of living in the world and evolving toward Godhood together---a kind of universalism within particularism.

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