Thursday, June 19, 2014

Harmonizing reason and passion

Passions, instincts, reason, tradition, the environment, are all included in ones view of human nature and human behavior. If we try to make one of these dominant over the others it can throw human nature and human behavior into disharmony.

Passions are reasonable with such instinctive passions as protecting and helping ones kin or ones group (altruism), which enhances survival success. And human ideas (see Plato) need to harmonize with existing traditions (see Burke) which grew out of the long human experience in living. But traditions also need to take new ideas into account.

What does seem to be dominant are the elemental forces of life seeking success in survival, reproduction, and ultimately our evolution toward the highest success, which is evolving to Godhood. This is the dynamic activation which, for best success, harmonizes passions, instincts, reason, traditions and the environment, as well as ideas.

The difficulty comes in bringing these forces into harmony, but when we do we can have the synchronicity of high civilization.

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