Friday, June 20, 2014

The paralyzing of eugenics

Since at least the days of Socrates intellectuals have sought to paralyze their opponents with their intellects making their opponents feel furious and helpless. Nietzsche called this the will to power of intellectuals. Truth is secondary. This tactic has been used with the subject of eugenics, where not only intellectual paralyzing is applied but all manner of slander and insults. Eugenics had the misfortune of being presented by people such as Darwin, Huxley, Galton and Shaw, just before Hitler, which led to eugenics being considered evil and virtually buried.

Some of the best thinking on eugenics over the past 30 years comes from Raymond Cattell's book, “Beyondism,” (1987), especially the tightly packed 16th chapter. I would have future research centers on sociobiology and evolution build on Cattell's work, which can then be applied in our religious evolution toward Godhood. Cattell points out that eugenics can be done in countries that are democratic. People choose the things they want to improve. Eugenics is already shaping where the next generation wants to go in education, and parents are already using testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering, and we can move on from there, as the deceitful paralyzing of eugenics begins to wind down.

As Cattell put it, negative eugenics means trying to avoid the birth of the physically and mentally handicapped, and positive eugenics tries to advance both the average and the leading minds/bodies of society. We are paying a terrible cost ignoring the foresight of eugenics, which can help mold human nature without the great suffering caused from raw unconscious selection by “nature red in tooth and claw.”

The deeper more serious problem for me which comes from blocking eugenics is that it blocks the sacred mission of life evolving to Godhood. Theological materialism and the TC do not remove God or Godhood from evolution, and so we avoid some of the emotional austerity of Cattell's Beyondism. We do not launch ourselves out on a goalless adventure of evolution, our goal is Godhood. The philosophy of the TC allows us to retain more of the emotional appeal of traditional religion with the sacred end-goal of Godhood, described and experienced in the past as the Inward God, or the Father Within, which is retained in the Twofold Path, but is now transformed and seen as the Outward Godhood attained by way of material and supermaterial evolution.

And conservative social values can harmonize with ordered evolution, tradition can work along with evolutionary progress. To reject long standing traditions in favor of radical programs like Marxism, or imperial mono-racism, or rampaging globalism, destroys societies sooner rather than later. In any case, the world gangs up and destroys arrogant and selfish imperialism. Natural selection among groups and individuals thrives on variation, which the regionalism and localism of conservatism affirms. Decentralization and a light protecting federalism can work in harmony with evolution. Each group, each small state in a world of ethnopluralism, can follow it's own divergent path to Godhood, in a world where “cooperative competition” is possible.

Ethics have been essentially based in the survival of the group, but our ethics also need to be essentially grounded in the goal of evolving from the material to the supermaterial and on to Godhood. This is the sacred mission of eugenics in the long term. Evolution is a prime process of the universe, but there is also a divine urge or activation in evolution which can be identified with the Holy Spirit of traditional religion, now understood as the supermaterial Spirit-Will To Godhood, not yet recognized by science, which is then shaped by outside evolution and selection. Qualities such as intelligence, emotional stability, conscience (altruism), good health, good sensory organs, longevity, these are some of the aims of eugenics, and these things reach their highest quality, or their zenith, as evolution moves toward Godhood.

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