Saturday, June 07, 2014

Long-Term and Very Long-Term Consequences Within Christianity, Imperialism, and Conservatism

In the long-term of human history it seems that imperialism is the rule, almost the natural condition of human affairs, but in the very long-term, imperialism breaks down into ethnostates, which do seem to be the perpetual, permanent, social organization preferred by humans. Ethnostates, or ethnopluralism, then relates to conservatism, and conservatism relates to human nature, which in the very long-term continues to be kin-centered, gender defined, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things,with group-selection as the primary unit of selection, which tends to lead to ethnostates in the very long-term.

Long-term conservatism lasts long because it relates so well to human nature, as we seek to survive and prosper. Conservatism also tends to seek the possible and not the ideal, and it works within the circumstances it finds itself living in, and does not attempt to begin the world anew chasing ideals. But if there is a weakness in any human system it will eventually show up in the very long-term, and the weakness often comes from going against the natural design of human nature. For example, the imperialism of neoconservatism, like all imperialism, can only sustain itself as long as it can force people to live within a global imperial system. Very long-term conservatism will affirm natural ethnostates and ethnopluralism, protected by some sort of federalism.

The same long-term and very long-term conservatism applies to Christianity. Christianity has lasted so long because it has related so well to the traditional human nature listed above. But in the very long-term its weakness is in its internal concentration on the symbolic-experience of the God or Father Within of the Inward Path, and its neglect or ignorance of the Outward Path of material/supermaterial evolution to real Godhood. Christianity has generally preferred to neglect the insights of science, naturalism, and materialism, which has slowly weakened it. Very long-term Christianity will take the conservative path of including the Inward Path to the God Within along with the Outward Path of material/supermaterial evolution to real Godhood, as the Twofold Path does---it will not begin anew. Otherwise, Christianity, like imperialism and conservatism, will continue to fade in the very long-term from its internal weakness. And post-modern Nietzschian relativism will not replace it over the very long-term, nor will fundamentalist or eastern traditionalist religions, due to the same internal weakness.

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