Monday, June 23, 2014

Biological forces and cultural fallacies

Culture is given an illusory significance and value, but there is a fitness test behind cultural acts, sooner or later, resembling sexual selection, where every cultural act of presenting oneself is a fitness test.

Human culture is initially produced by human biological systems which are largely in control of cultural intentions, almost as much as biological systems are in control of human nature.

Yes, nature and nurture interact and influence one another, and history and tradition have influence over culture and biology, but the primary influence is biological.

People tend to balk at this because it suggests less free-will than people prefer, and because cultural Marxism wants to see anything but the intentions of biology, and wants to greatly diminish the role of biology. But biology is in the controlling position as the creator of culture.

There is always tension between individual needs and the needs of the group which is reflected in our sometimes messy cultures, but even this is ultimately balanced by the success or failure of our biological survival.

Theological materialism is a religious philosophy that takes these underground biological forces and cultural fallacies into account. We evolve materially and supermaterially in the Outward Path to the Godhood first discerned in the merely cultural Inward Paths of traditional religion---but we can conservatively retain the old in the new.

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