Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Vulgus and Virtus

Let me try to broadly define vulgus and virtus. Devolution defines vulgus, and evolution defines virtus. Cultural values stem from this base, and both sides need to be addressed. Religion is traditionally the primary teacher of these things and other cultural institutions follow.

As actual history has shown us, all great civilizations develop out of a religious base and when the religion falls the civilization falls. But religions are primarily promulgated by people, specific people, and when the people change, or fall, the religion and cultures change, or fall.

As ethnopluralism develops naturally across the world in the future, in small states and regions, these definitions will be better attended to, for long term success in general. Change by way of evolution becomes the mold or form, not change merely seen as the ordered liberty of conservatism, but conservative change as Ordered Evolution, an evolution which practically deals with both vulgus and virtus for all groups.

And where is evolution going?  Toward higher and higher truth, beauty, intelligence, power and goodness, with the goal of Godhood as the absolute zenith of these things, the Godhood first partially seen as the God or Father Within.

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