Monday, December 02, 2013

The basic philosophical-religious framework

There are material Objects, some alive some inanimate, and there are non-object definitions or abstractions of objects made by material human minds---I think in these terms rather than “thing-in-itself.” Each object is only as “free” as it can be within the determined choices of its nature, and this largely defines the object.

Human nature also has freedom within determined choices. Human nature was developed in Paleolithic times, and modern human cultures developed out of this Hunter-Gatherer human nature interacting with the environment. Human nature is therefore kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. This human nature seems to be the most harmonious in survival and reproduction with some form of ethnopluralism in political philosophy.

Godhood is also a material-supermaterial Object (or Objects) but a supremely evolved Object. Godhood has the most freedom, intelligence, beauty, power, etc. of all objects and these superior traits were developed in the evolution of the material object to supermaterial Godhood in the cosmos.

The great religions discovered the symbolic experience of seeing-experiencing Godhood inwardly, in the Inward Path, and the actual life of objects were unfortunately sometimes thought of as not much more than an illusion. Jesus Christ was a martyr for the ascetic cause of bringing the Inward Father to the people, whereas Buddha, who lived a full life, taught more or less the same Inward God. The Twofold Path helps us resolve the metaphysical nearsightedness of seeing only a God Within at the zenith of the human mind, by also affirming the Outward Path of the evolution of material life to the real supermaterial Godhood.

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