Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Beauty and Godhood

We may not want to center only on Beauty as the best metaphor for defining life evolving to Godhood when we have the other fundamental qualities of the highest truth, intelligence, and goodness, etc., but beauty needs to be brought out more than it has been. Truth is powerful yet somehow beauty seems more basic to our material-supermaterial evolution to Godhood. The sense of beauty seems like a more directly understandable metaphor for Godhood than truth or goodness, which are more abstract.

There was always something appealing and real about the attitude of the Ancient Pagan religions toward beauty, think of Greece, and much of this was lost when the monotheist religions concentrated on the Inward Path and the desirelessness which was necessary to experience the God Within, which is a blockade of the senses. In the theological materialism of the TC, the Godhood first seen in the Inward Path is attained in the Outward Path, at the zenith of evolutionary survival and reproduction, and this is definitely related to the real world of the senses.
Godhood can be seen as the zenith of beautiful living objects, the best of the world, not outside the material world but at the zenith of the supermaterial world, even as Godhood is also defined as the most intelligent, truthful, powerful etc. This is how beauty can be centered on.

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