Sunday, December 08, 2013

The unworkable utopias of both modern liberalism and modern conservatism

Modern conservatism and modern liberalism make the same mistake of trying to impose one culture on diverse people. Even the paleoconservatives want one English-speaking, religion-oriented traditional America, no matter how diverse the population may be. And modern liberalism wants one politically-correct or culturally Marxist creed promoting a Utopian kind of diversity and multiculturalism where all people, no matter how diverse, live happily together happily tolerating one another. Given human nature, both ways have proven to be virtually unworkable in the varied populations of the modern world.

One-world, one-people creeds or philosophies seem to have kept mankind from seeing the real dynamics of human history, where small natural ethnostates and ethnopluralism always decay into imperialism and multiculturalism. So why not try to maintain ethnostates and ethnopluralism in the first place? To do this the Left would have to adopt the real unwritten traditions and unwritten natural behavior of the people, and the Right would have to adopt the Enlightenment view of a human nature which does not show a divine preference within human nature for one religious creed, or one people.

The United States seen as a Republic with largely independent small states, and a limited federal government designed to protect those small states, internally and externally, could lend itself naturally to ethnopluralism, which could then harmonize with all we know about general human nature, which is, among other things, kin-centered, gender defined, age-grading, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. One-world creeds, Left and Right, need to adapt to a real world of cooperative competition between distinctly different people living in different regions, with small states protected by some sort of light federalism, rather than deadly imperialism.  Radical revolution, which otherwise seems more likely, needs to be avoided. Then perhaps we all can get on with the sacred mission of evolving toward Godhood.

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