Monday, October 28, 2013

Religion revised beyond the philosophical quarrels

With intellectuals so “besotted by centuries of philosophical quarrels,” (Nietzsche's term), it's exciting to bring in the science and art of sociobiology to take a sober look at human nature in relation to religion and philosophy.

Religion and philosophy have led us down the road to nonentity, Being as nothing, God as beyond the real world, or God and Being as a word game.

The original eastern or Buddhist ethos of Christianity has changed into what is today called Christianity. Jesus taught the Father Within, that is what he taught, which is reached inwardly by ridding the material body and mind of all material desires.  St.Paul transformed the inward teachings of Jesus into the outward Church, with more life in it.

Imagine the reception of eastern and western gurus preaching an end to desire for young people, or pushing death to young lions full of life? No, the Inward Path alone without the Outward Path is the misdirection of the tired and weary, as Nietzsche told us in his vain attempt to utterly destroy religion.

Yes, we can keep the Father Within, the new has to harmonize with the old, but this time the God Within is understood as a symbol-experience of what real Godhood may be like after attaining Godhood through material and supermaterial evolution.

When we applaud sociobiology and the material-supermaterial evolution to Godhood are we taking symbolic inward religion to a crude reality? No, we are bringing the appalling stew of religion and philosophy into beautiful, classical, noble, and yes, material simplicity.

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