Friday, October 11, 2013

Hierarchy of values

The will-to-power and the will-to-happiness are secondary, contrary to Nietzsche and the Greeks. There is something more important, deeper, that drives these values, which is the activation to survival and reproductive success. In this Nietzsche underestimated Darwin and sociobiology.

However, there is something even deeper, more important, more vital than the drive to survival and reproductive success and that is the Spirit-will-to-Godhood, which activates the very essence of life, pushing life forward from the inside, as life is shaped by outside evolution, activating life toward evolving to Godhood, where the Absolutes, or near-Absolutes, can be attained, that is, the zenith of beauty, intelligence, character, happiness, and so on.

Human nature, culture, civilization, and religion need to harmonize with this hierarchy of values, this theological materialism, which means a materialization of the spiritual, retaining but transforming the symbolic-experience of the Inward God of religious tradition to the real religious Outward Godhood of evolution.

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