Friday, October 18, 2013

Bringing the real causes out of the shadows

The hopes and dreams of the socialists/liberals could be called childish if they weren't so damaging to culture and human nature. Even capitalist free-enterprise can be damaging if it bends to special interests and doesn't insist on meritocracy. These schemes to applaud those who do not achieve at the expense of those who do become a kind of neurotic illness, or as Nietzsche put it, “a will to the denial of life,” resentment of all that is successful.

But the flat reality is biology takes precedence over politics and economics. People manipulate socialism/liberalism/capitalism and use it for their own often narrow biological wills to power. Look at the way the media uses demagoguery and slander to enhance its own power. Power can be acquired by lying. Politicians have known this for centuries.

However, even though biology is at the origin of cultural behavior it is secondary to the primary activation of life seeking to evolve to Godhood. This is the foundation beneath biology, survival, reproduction, politics and economics. But theologians have often manipulated or even denied biology and evolution in their zeal to experience the Father Within, moving away from the primary biological and super-biological causes, as the socialist/liberals/capitalists have done. The task is to identify and bring the sacred mission of our biological-superbiological evolution to Godhood out of the shadows of the Inward Path and into the light of the Outward Path, to restore Godhood and future religion.

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